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My new life is shapping up nicely
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Pinkiered's BlogRoses, Roses and more Roses PLEASE!
Prince Poins big move.
Category: Royal Poinciana | Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:24 pm Morning of Day 3 When I woke up this morning, I grabbed the camera to get some morning shots of his growth. This is what I found instead.... ![]() So I went ahead and repotted him. He has two new leaves coming in! Usually once they have thier first true leaves, I take them out and intro them into the outside world. But Im not taking any chances with this guy! The Princes new throne ![]() ![]() Two new leaves openning ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 500 times
Prince Poin day 2
Category: Royal Poinciana | Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:15 am I should have taken pics of him first thing is morning to compare. I would swear its bigger then when I checked on him when I woke up to water him. Ill have to remember to do that. But heres pic of him these evening. He is bigger than yesterday, thats for sure. Hes openning up quite nicely. ![]() This is my pointer finger, not my pinkie. Shows you how big he is! ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 529 times
Gnome Dome addition!
Category: Garden Personality project | Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:06 pm My sister gave me a blue glass bowl weeks ago. Well, this morning I happen to look over at it taking up space on the counter and thought "Wow, that would be beautiful outside!" So I took it out and looked around. I then saw an old reptile cage that I had put outside a while back because it was so big it was just in the way. I was ,at one point, use it for a bird or two. I grabbed the cage in one hand and the bowl in the other and took of to the Gnome Dome. I put everything down and looked around at what I had to play with ( totally broke at the moment so everything had to be what I already had). I turned the cage upside down. It has one of those pull out trays for clean up. I turn the pullout tray upside down and slide it back into the cage. I took some black thick plastic I had and cut it to size and laid it in the bottom of the cage. I poked a few holes in it and filled with dirt.I then took my Honeysuckle , that just wants to climb and not be the hanging plant I wanted, and planted it inside the cage and started the training of it. I cut small holes in the cage so I could stick my hand in and easily train the honeysuckle as it grows. I then took one of my plants, that had been in that exact space until now, and broke it apart (its leaves will sprout roots, so no worries). I then planted it around the edges of the pull out tray. I added rocks from the lane and some of my garden freinds wanted to join the new addition. Four of my Garden Gnome friends (the four that tried taking off with my Froggie rain gage) and Jimmy the Crickett have found their way to the top now! Heres the pics of my new bird bath. ![]() Not pretty to look at yet, but soon! ![]() Honeysuckle ![]() the top ![]() ![]() from the front ![]() from the back ![]() HI!! ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 672 times
Around my yard
Category: Spring | Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 4:54 pm My Golden Glow (climber) Rose is so tall! But just the one stem! LOL Im 5ft 7 so this is about 5ft 4.Dont know where its going but its going somewheres! LOL ![]() A wayward Morning Glory! LOL In the middle of nowhere. But Im letting it stay in case its one of the red ones that have vanished! ![]() Huge pot of Cannas I rescued off the side of the road. I was told by the lady who had owned it that it was Cannas but they look like my Bird of Paradise. Either way, Im glad its here! ![]() My Impomea (spelled right?) is in bloom. ![]() asparagus fern is in bloom! I didnt even know they bloomed! It didnt last year. Does this mean Ill get seeds? ![]() ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 571 times
Growing a Royal Poinicana
Category: Royal Poinciana | Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 2:00 pm OK it says to get one to grow from seed you must file down one side of the seed using a gardening file. Well, I had never heard of one of those so I used a knife to scrape away the sides of one and used a toenail clippers to chip the side of another. Well, the one that I chipped is growing and the one that I used the knife on isnt. The seeds are large and very hard. If you think you can use a knife on it to cut or file the shell, you are sadly mistaken! HAHA! If you dont have a garden file, use a pair of toe nail clippers and chip the side of it. Now I planted mine in late Feb. and it just sprouted. So, it takes awhile. It took so long for mine to sprout, I thought i had lost in, threw them out without knowing it. I did an "after early spring" clean up. I threw out all the used peat pots and the ones that the seeds didnt grow in. At some point I knew which one the seeds were in, cuz I got my surprise! YAY! Last night before I went ot bed, I didnt want to leave him in the bag so I took him out and placed him in a disposeable ziplock container that I bought jsut for my new plants. I use them for safely shipping small plants too(works great).I had heard somewhere they like lots of water when they are growing so I added a little water to the bottom of the bowl and set the peat pot in the water. This morning when I got up the first thing I did was check on him and he was standing up! My he did it fast! Heres the pics of my new little guy!!! ![]() ![]() The three in the window are the Birds of Paradise I have gotten to sprout. Theres still three more that havent. ![]() And this time, Chase will NOT be allowed ANYWHERE NEAR!! this baby tree!!!! Now, I think Ill name him......Im thinking Prince Poin. This blog entry has been viewed 613 times
Royal Poinciana
Category: Royal Poinciana | Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:42 pm FINALLY!!!! It came up! Well, one did! A while back I thought I lost the two seeds. But yesterday I saw something green growing in my makeshift greenhouse. Its a ex-large ziplock bag with a tupperware bowl in it with tiny peat pots in there. I use this for seeds that will take awhile to grow. Like my Bird Of Paradise seeds and of course, Royal Poinicana. Yesterday, its little head was still in the soil but this morning, its standing up! I had heard that IF you can get them to grow from seed, they will grow really fast. I gave one too a friend of mine and he said his is growing fast. They are suppose to grow up to 5 ft a year. So that is fast! HAHA! I am going to use this blog to track its growth and growing it. Hopefully, I dont kill it. Ill be posting pic of it growing in here for future referances. This blog entry has been viewed 585 times
Category: Pinkies LIfe | Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 3:59 pm I started a myspace site jsut for my painting. I seem to have hit some sort of painters block. So I decided to run a contest. The winner gets one of my paintings signed by me. Im opening it to everyone. Yes, I need help that bad! LOL See myspace blog for more details This blog entry has been viewed 987 times
Isnt it so??
Category: Pinkies LIfe | Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 2:54 pm Yesterday, I was on my foot too long and regretted it the rest of the day. I didnt start out trying to be on my feet. I was sitting most of the morning but it would seem that everyone knew I had to stay off my feet because everyone was coming over and wanting to ask me questions about one thing or another. I dont allow most ppl in my house, so i have to go outside. Up and down the stairs. Then I went and did some much needed work in the garden. I had to repot a huge pot a cannas that I rescued from the side of the road. There were two pots stuck together so I had to take the cannas out and fight the two pots apart. What a workout! I also cut back the grass around my passion vine to find the caterpillars. The one of the neighbors came over and I took into town. I drive with the foot thats broken, of course. It was really hurtting. I get home and decide to go lay down and prop my foot up. As soon as I did, the phone started ringing!!!! Are you kidding me??!! I finally got some time off my feet but got too bored so I got back up. But I put a chair beside the computer to rest my foot on. I decide to call it a early night. I was woke up at 245am by Missy barking. She only barks when someone knocks. So I go out and peek out the door (I was home alone). There is a strange man laying down in my yard!!!! I go out (with the dogs of course) and ask who he was.... answer? "I dont know." Ok...... " then where do you live?" "I dont know." ...................... "work with me buddy" Finally he says he had just moved onto the lane.... ahhhhh ok...... I know just the one. I take him home, come home myself and lock the house up tight. Every little sound woke me up after that.... of course! I woke up this morning and my foot is killing me!!! I will do my very best to stay off it today. Im not taking anyone into town. I dont care if they want to talk to me about my plants (I have the prettiest yard on the lane ;) ) today I just dont care! This blog entry has been viewed 583 times
Category: Pinkies LIfe | Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 4:45 pm I am so unbelievely bored! I have to stay off my foot but Im sitting here dying of boredom! I have been sitting in this chair for 2 days now! I can feel my butt spreading! A person can only sit for so long! Im thinking of taking an extra dose of pain meds and going outside to do some much needed work. How can ppl become couch potatos? Dont they ever get bored? I was making up songs a min ago! LOL Glad noone is here to hear me! The dogs wont tell! ;D! Im also thinking about going to the local art store and getting a canvas to paint while Im stuck sitting. Ive never painted on canvas and have been wanting to try it. I guess this is as good as any! Why did I have to break my foot!!! Why not a nail instead??!! Besides, Robs out on the rig and has been since the day before yesterday. He cant get on to me for not staying off my feet! But our roommate might tell him! Drat! Foiled again! Wait!! What can Rob do?? Im a grown woman!!! Whats he going to do?? Spank me??............. wait...lets not go there!.... Hmmmmmmm.... My walls need washing. So does the computer screen....and the tower needs dusting...why havent I seen that before? Im listening to the radio and they are playing the same songs over and over again! I cant find my Ozzy cd...I think my man took it with him on to the rig. Drat....Ozzy always makes me feel better. God Im soooooooooooooooooooo bored!!!! This blog entry has been viewed 516 times
Category: Pinkies LIfe | Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 4:54 am I have been helping my little sister paint her house since yesterday. Well, last night we had to prime with a type of primer that will stick to metal so we could paint the back drop of the stove. When we were done, we covered the pan with a peice of black plastic to keep it from drying out. This morning we get there and the first thing I see covering the fridge is that black peice of plastic. I walk over and left it up to find it covered in the primer. Well, being as,as soon as it dries it wont come off, I yanked the plastic off. Whoever had put it up there had used my screwdrivers to hold it in place because I have some very heavy screwdrivers. I felt this overwhelming pain in my right foot and looked down at the sametime I heard my sisters roommate say, "Oh my god" One of the screwdrivers had come flying down and ended up in the top of my foot! It had impaled itself in my foot............ When it went into my foot, I guess the force behind it, broke my foot! It hurts sooooo bad! Didnt I say "If it wasnt for bad luck, Id have no luck at all." Surely I cant be Irish!!!!! Cuz Im no lucky Irish! Since the beginning of the year right before the move out of Jacksonville, We,Rob and I, have been plagued with the worse luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ppl think we kid until they see it too. I wish it would stop all ready! ![]() ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 536 times
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