Cooking | Posted:
Mon Oct 16, 2006 4:14 pm
Definition: A thick soup/stew made with meat or seafood, served over plain rice. It can be thickened with roux, okra, or file'. File' is a powder made from ground sassafras leaves and definitely an aqquired taste. I prefer to think of gumbo as a mixture. The old Cajuns made it to use leftovers to keep them from spoiling. Mom always used roux and file' and sometimes okra also depending on what type of gumbo she was making. File' was not used in seafood gumbo, only in chicken and andouille, or duck and other wild game. If she used okra she did not use file'. She also did not use andouille in her chicken and okra or shrimp and okra gumbo. Basically, it just depends on what you like and what flavors you like to taste together. I have eaten it with everything in it, chicken, shrimp, okra, roux, file', chicken livers and gizzards, and probably a few things I had no idea of. Most people make it during the winter, I make it whenever I get the ahnvee for one.
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