1st Freeze Tonight
Flowers and Vegetables | Posted:
Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:07 am
Tonight we get our first freeze, a bit early at that. Goodbye butterfly ginger, I cut the last of it to bring to Mom along with some roses. Goodbye impatiens and moonflower vine, no more until next year. Bye, bye thunbergia vine, it did far better than I thought it would and hopefully I will get some more started for next year. No more zinnias, lantana, cannas, or morning glories. I do feel blessed to get to enjoy these plants and many others for such a long time, but I am always sad to see them go with the first freeze. But I will still have the roses, they usually have a flower or two at all times. And I already see signs of spring, new irises coming up all over, and daffodils popping up their slim green blades. So while others rest for our short winter, these are gearing up to bloom, and the seed and plant catalogs will be coming in the mail. I can wile away those winter blues with dreams of next years beauties.
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