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Daisy Comeback
Posted: 08 May 2007 Posted: 24 Apr 2007 Posted: 12 Apr 2007 Posted: 10 Apr 2007 Posted: 05 Apr 2007 All Entries |
Christmas Past MemoriesI can remember the excitement of those childhood Christmases. Dad getting the two older boys together to go cut the tree. We always had a cedar tree. It would always be too big and Dad would have to top it out. While they were gone we would get the decorations down. Some were handpainted ornaments from Germany that Dad had sent back home during WWII, some were homemade, and of course there were a lot of the shiny glass balls, and plastic glow in the dark icicles and snowflakes. We would have the lights all sorted out, not the tiny little lights they have now, but the big fat ones. After the tree was finally up Dad would string the lights, then it was our turn. He would hold us up to put ornaments on the top of the tree when we were little. I wonder if he missed doing that when we got to big for it. The tree would be so beautiful when it was finally finished. I would sit for hours staring at it and I still like to do that. Then is would be time to start dreaming about what we would get that year. No making lists, no demanding what we wanted, it was a surprise every year. And we only got one thing apiece. I guess my all time favorite present was the treasure chest. I got the one for girls and my little brother got the one for boys. It had colors and coloring books, paper dolls, games, books to read and small toys to play with. It was really cool because it was like getting a ton of presents at once. We didn't know it until years later, but we bought our own Christmas presents. We picked pecans in the cow pastures on halves with the owner. The man, Mr. Bobby Wince, who bought them would come around and weigh them and give Dad half the money and bring the other half to the owner of the pastures. When I was older and didn't believe in Santa anymore I asked Mom how could they afford to get Christmas for six kids every year, and that was when she told me it was the pecan money that bought them. I wish things could be so simple today. This blog entry has been viewed 610 times
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What wonderful memories, Sharon. Better than any rich kid, I know, because it was a family affair.
Oh, how I enjoyed this, Sharon.
I remember the childhood excitement very well too. My family never really overdid it with the decorations and we rarely received more than one present each but boy did I love Christmas anyhow.
I to Cajunbelle came up with
I remember a Christmas when I was real young. My present was a book of paper dolls, mittens, and a sock with candy, nuts and an orange. Wannabe
We always celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve because we had to get up early and go to Grandma's for Christmas. Even when we had to drive hours. So, when we were little my dad always took us to see the Christmas lights around the area. We could never figure how mom could miss seeing Santa bring the presents. She always said she was busy making cookies or doing something in another room. Little kids believe in magic. Dooley Login or register to leave a comment. |
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