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Daisy Comeback
Posted: 08 May 2007 Posted: 24 Apr 2007 Posted: 12 Apr 2007 Posted: 10 Apr 2007 Posted: 05 Apr 2007 All Entries |
Busy Yard DayWell the daylilies are planted. We put two new rows between my Mom's driveway and our property line. There is a Bradford pear and two Japanese persimmon trees there and we planted on each side. We could have put them all there but one spot is really low and we didn't have the dirt to fill it in. So we will work on that and divide them next year to plant there. We also reworked a flower bed, took the overgrown canna's out and put my gladioli and the rest of the lilies. It already had daylilies and glads in it, plus a crinum, which I will move, some irises which I have already dug out, a dahlia, and a cardinal flower, which is a native plant. I put the canna's behind Mom's house which has a low spot, so I will see if Glenda's advice works. I am sure it will. Now I have to rake leaves after supper to mulch so my dirt doesn't wash away during the rain. There was 30+ clumps of daylilies, some with as many as 4 fans in them, I figure more than the 50 he said. There was one really different looking daylily so I planted it separate, along with some from another spot that was not doing well bc of lack of sun. I am very anxious to see what the different one will look like. I did save about 8 clumps to share with people who have been so generous with me in the past. All in all it has been a very satisfying day. Last edited: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:51 pm This blog entry has been viewed 822 times
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Wow, you are taking after Dooley. Be careful.
It's clear you couldn't wait to get those babies planted, your hard day's planting will pay off for sure ;)
Oh you MUST show us piccies of that unusual day lily!!!! You really have worked hard today so I think you deserve to put your feet up for a while now.
Oooh, I'm so jealous, I didn't get any gardening done today :(
Jan, the canna was happy in a raised be, I'm sure it will be ecstatic in a wet place. If it gets to wild I will just mow it down.
Oops, I meant raised bed.
It will take a while to stop the wash but it will.You really worked your buns off.I didn't get much done between the showers .I planted lots of seeds and have lots soaking to plant in the morning.If it isn't pouring down rain.I did plant some Pink Tiger Lilies.
OOOOOOOOOOH, Pink Tiger Lilies, very pretty.
Wow! You did work hard. You need a couple more days to rest. Maybe at work! Dooley
Do you have pics of all your daylilies posted somewhere for viewing? Would love to see them. I'm just starting my daylily garden. Does anyone else here have daylilies? Really nice blog.
I don't have an album of just daylilies set up, I posted some on the forums side of this site and I have some, but probably the same ones at another site. I have been meaning to do a daylily album, just haven't had time. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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