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Daisy Comeback
Posted: 08 May 2007 Posted: 24 Apr 2007 Posted: 12 Apr 2007 Posted: 10 Apr 2007 Posted: 05 Apr 2007 All Entries |
Rainy Days and MondaysWell, it is raining. We really needed the rain so I am not complaining! We were going to make a raised bed for vegetables. Richard has all of the wood cut. We are using the electric service pole that Hurricane Rita broke, and the 2x4's we used to shore the new one up while the dirt settled in. It will be a good size, 6ft. 7inches long by almost that wide again. I think it is a little too wide, but that way we won't waste any of the lumber. Richard made me promise I will not take it over for flowers, but I think it will need some marigolds planted around the edges to help keep the bugs away, and I will also plant some on the outside of the bed. We are thinking of doing the lasagna method. We have oak leaves, oak leaf mold, grass clippings, and compost. We will use the cardboard liners from the meat cases at work for the bottom to kill the grass. We can also haul a couple of wheelbarrow of dirt from the back. We are going to try to get some manure , either horse or rabbit. If we get it done in time we will put some mustard green seed in, if not we will cover it with plastic for the winter and plant in the spring. So I guess since we can't do yard work, it will be house work today, which really needs doing. I have to go bath Mom sometime today and clean her bedroom and bathroom. A lot of the cats are in bc of the rain. They have places to get outside, but would rather be in with us. OK, enough computer time I need to make the roux for the gumbo and finish getting everything in the pot. Last edited: Mon Oct 16, 2006 4:22 pm This blog entry has been viewed 630 times
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I had not thought about using a service pole for the sides of a raised bed.
Okay, not a 4 ft square bed...not enough coffee in me this morning :)
Did you know roux comes in jars these days? LOL
I understand what you mean Toni, my brain gets confused when doing measurements with or with out coffee.
I make my own, the jar does have a total different taste .
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