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not gardening rocks no more!
Posted: 07 Jan 2012 Posted: 17 May 2010 Posted: 12 Mar 2010 Posted: 02 Mar 2009 Posted: 12 Feb 2009 All Entries |
Thinking about autumn!Hello Blog! Just a quick entry tonight. But I had to cheer for myself, since I got a perfect, red tomato out of my garden. Oooo man, that was goood! It got so cold night before last (about 39!) I thought for sure I'd lose the plant, but it's hanging on. Might have to finally try those green tomato recipes I've seen, though. And pluck up all my romaine, too. It's gonna be so much harder to watch my diet when the cold weather rolls in! We have a nationally-awarded cider farm not too far from me. It's all back roads that even I can navigate with no worries. And it's cider time! We're going to head over there on payday and get a jug of fresh-pressed. Actually they are required to pasteurize it so it isn't quite like the stuff we made when I was little, but close enough. Besides, I have a friend who works there who may be able to score me a jug of the fresh stuff. Ok, this may run my blog a little long, but it's a great cider story. When I was in high school, I was in all the ag. classes. Just loved it. Anyways, we made cider one year as a fund raiser. Well, we pressed one batch on a friday and didn't properly mix varieties and it came out waaaay too sweet. So the ag. advisor stashed the jugs in his office and went home. For a 3-day weekend. So we came in early the next week, and all the cider had fermented. Big time. I mean, it turned green and blew the tops off the jugs. 3 or 4 of the boys offered to haul the jugs down to the river to dispose of them. They didn't show up for the rest of the day. And when they did, well, you can just imagine the condition they were in, lol! (egads, am I a hick or what?) This blog entry has been viewed 512 times
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(egads, am I a hick or what?) LOL!!
>>> 3 or 4 of the boys offered to haul the jugs down to the river to dispose of them. <<<
Gullible? No way, he was an old farm boy himself and I'd bet my bunnies he knew exactly what would happen! (love the Homer thought!)
That is just so funny. When I was 12 years old my cousin and I found some of my uncles homemade wine and decided to sample it .It wasn't sweet enough so we put Orange Fizzies in it.It was good then .We drank a bunch of it and then tried to go inside my aunts house arm and arm singing as loud as possible lol.We would take one step up the steps and 2 back .My aunt laughed about that until she passed away 2 yrs ago.She said my daddy was going to kill her for letting us get drunk.
Haha, a drunk 12 year old Glenda, funny! I bet it didn't take much to get tipsy :)
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