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not gardening rocks no more!
Posted: 07 Jan 2012 Posted: 17 May 2010 Posted: 12 Mar 2010 Posted: 02 Mar 2009 Posted: 12 Feb 2009 All Entries |
garden shed goings-onIt's been raining here, and I'm so glad for it. My favorite place when it's raining is out in my garden shed, the one I put pictures of in an earlier blog. It's so quiet where I live, the rain falling on the roof is the only sound. It patters on the shingles, and rattles on the corrugated plastic on the greenhouse side. The only thing that makes me sad about the rain and cold is that it means that my veggies are just going to spoil. Oh well, they'll mush down into fertilizer. The bunnies are prodigiously producing pellets that I will spread on the garden beds in a couple of weeks, after the leaves drop off. And my worm bin will be dumped out into the poo pile so the little wigglers can chomp through that bit of leavings through the winter. Gardeners are not a squeamish bunch! I'm working on my Christmas cards, laying in watercolor washes in shades of blue, but I haven't found the effect I'm after yet. If I get one right I'll post it here in December as a card to anyone who clicks on my blog. Hopefully I can post here more often now that I've valiantly fought off that rotten cold bug- huzzah, I am victorious ye foul invisibly small invader! Edit: well this isn't worth starting a new blog over, but I gotta let off some steam. We fenced in our whole 5 acres 'cuz we have a dog as dumb as a box o' rocks. OK, I can handle a "special needs" dog, even if that means spending too much on field wire. Anyhow, I couldn't find said mutt to put her in while I dashed to the busstop to pick up my daughter. 5 minutes max, it was raining, I left the gate open. In that 5 minutes El Mutt ran out, found something dead, and rolled in it!!! So I had to go out in the rain and give her a bath!!! Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!! ok, feel better now, big gulp of hot tea. Thanks forletting me vent. Last edited: Thu Oct 19, 2006 6:40 pm This blog entry has been viewed 571 times
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"Hopefully I can post here more often now that I've valiantly fought off that rotten cold bug- huzzah, I am victorious ye foul invisibly small invader!"
Glad to hear you are feeling better. I reposted the poemyou named I posted It as " The Bitter Cup" thanks for your help. Solider on
>>> huzzah, I am victorious ye foul invisibly small invader! <<<
I'll stay in my cool house during our rain, thank you very much. You can go sit in the hot metal shed if you like.
Hot, pondlady? It was about 50 outside at the time. Tsk, you southerners :)
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