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not gardening rocks no more!
Posted: 07 Jan 2012 Posted: 17 May 2010 Posted: 12 Mar 2010 Posted: 02 Mar 2009 Posted: 12 Feb 2009 All Entries |
clean your chimney!I'm going to be stumping for people to clean their chimneys for awhile. I have some good friends who live in a log house, that they built with their own hands. it's just beautiful, or rather, was. They were peacefully having lunch downstairs yesterday when a neighbor saw flames shooting through the roof. So much damage, but they are ok. The good thing, these people live without any debt, are very careful with their money, but for some reason chose to "splurge" on house insurance- before the sun went down a professional team was there drying out the damage and starting the cleanup process. A whole bunch of people who care about them also have been able to finally do something for them, washing the smoke smell out of laundry & things like that. But we would all much rather have not seen them go through this!!!!! So, a finger-wagging reminder, check your chimneys, people! I'll step off my soapbox now. This blog entry has been viewed 668 times
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Your time on the soapbox was well spent Critter. Chimney fires are a scary thing, never experienced one myself but I have had neighbours who have. My mother had it cemented into us to not put anything in the fire that would send the flames too high or excessive sparks. She also cleaned it often.
I'm safe on that.NoFireplace.
I don't have a fireplace either, but my dad does so I will pass this on to him!! Thanks for getting the word out Critter!!
We have, oops, had ours cleaned yearly by off duty firemen. They check all fire extinguisers and recharge or replace as necessary. Thanks for the reminder tho. In this house, we have not yet had a fire....I guess I gotta stick my head up the chimney and look. Thanks CP.
Thank goodness we live in a smokeless zone!!! We have a 'real affect' gas fire but get the flue checked yearly to make sure there are no obsructions in the chimney.
Good advice! I'll have mine checked before we even try to start a fire. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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