bunny fertilizer, and sand?!?
gardening among the rocks | Posted:
Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:43 pm
I weeded out the site by my cabin to plant my new fuschia. Apparently, that's where a bunch of sand leftover from a construction project got dumped. Huzzah, another garden challenge (grump) Think I'll just beef up the area as best I can with bunny fertilizer before I stick any unsuspecting plants into it. All my bunnies are shedding like crazy right now because of the hot weather. Garnet actually let me pick him up and cuddle him a bit, and I came away with a white angora shirt from it. Garnet is an albino minilop, and has the Worlds Softest Fur! Unfortunately it would be a royal pain to gather enough to spin a decent amount of yarn from, but it crosses my mind every time I pet him. His mother, Esther, produces a most prodigious pile of pellets for my garden, bless her little bunny self.
Bunnies produce a "hot" fertilizer, though not so hot as chickens do. I either let the pellets age under the cages or pile it behind some trees to let it mellow a bit. In the winter when the garden is asleep and it's raining constantly, I just take wheelbarrow loads and spread the pellets throughout the garden. It works down through the shredded bark mulch and makes a good bed for the spring growth to get started in.
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