The strange goat/ flowery pajama connection.
gardening among the rocks | Posted:
Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:17 pm
My goat got out again, and again I was in the same flowery pajamas. In my own defense, I was running a low temperature and intended to stay in them all day feeling sorry for myself. But no. Lucy Belle was out again. She was very cooperative about going back in, but I had no desire to wait until after dark (again) or until it was raining (again) to put her back. So I reluctantly got into my barn clothes and HOPEFULLY fixed the escape spot. Lucy Belle seemed fully unaware of the trouble she was causing, just snuffled my ear the whole time.
See? Innocent face, eh?
Here's a very bad shot, but best I could manage, of Lucy Belle, Cecil the Gopher Stomper (named by DS) and the goat bunker I built into a Mima Mound.
Max spent the whole time huddling in fear of the scary big goats, against the back door. He's half Border Collie, ya'd think he'd be more at ease around goaties!
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