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not gardening rocks no more!
Posted: 07 Jan 2012 Posted: 17 May 2010 Posted: 12 Mar 2010 Posted: 02 Mar 2009 Posted: 12 Feb 2009 All Entries |
We now return to our regular programmingOK, the cold bug is dispatched. I get them alot, but they never hang on to awfully long. So, during a sun break on Friday, I went out and yanked up one of my overgrown raspberry beds. I amended the soil with lots of good, moisture-retaining bunny poo compost, and gently bedded down two new blueberry bushes. ![]() Raspberries out, blueberries in. Now I just need another break in the weather to go tidy up the raspberries on the other side. I know it isn't the ideal time at all, but I discovered some bulbs I'd missed last fall. I'll poke them around just to see what happens. The crocus have been taunting me, all up and strong and healthy, but very few blooming. And the ones that are are in odd places, I suspect either a dog or another critter toted them away from their home. Still trying to find a job. Just to help pay for my son's college expenses come fall. It's appallingly difficult to find a job that will work around my limitations, but something will come up. I've pretty well decided the whole "work from home" route is either about selling friends laundry soap or just an outright scam. Off to feed the bunnies, there's another break in the hail! This blog entry has been viewed 515 times
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Oh Cp having our last in college this year I know how hard it is. So worth it for them though. I hope the perfect fit comes along for you soon. ER
Critter Painter sounds like you may have some allergies instead of colds.The Dr.said if you have more than 2 colds a year you probably allergies.
blueberries are good.
I agree that a lot of 'work from home' type jobs are a waste of time. I keep up to date with the whole internet marketing world and I hear about scams all of the time. Some of these 'jobs' are to actually go onto forums like ous and spam about some new product or music artist. You know the type of posts: "Do you listen to music while gardening? I like to listen to BlahBlah McBlah. Check out her new CD!" *rolls eyes*
Good luck with the job hunt Critter.
Hadn't thought about the allergies thing, have to look into that, thanks!
Glad you're feeling better.
i wanted to see what a Mima Mount is and got stuck reading more than I intended. Enjoyed it. Did not find the Mima Mounds.
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