A day in the mud!
gardening among the rocks | Posted:
Wed Mar 14, 2007 12:51 am
Whee, I actually got PAID to fiddle in a garden today! It was overgrown with grass, beyond what the owner could manage. The last person they hired just pulled up the grass, I got in there and sifted the roots out of the soil. Time just flew, which is amazing since I was freezing the whole time. Not entirely my fault, I had to bold out of the house this morning because my son desparately needed something he left at home- since the HS is a half-hour drive I just took my grubbies along, not noticing that a) the socks weren't quite dry, and b) my coat was not in the stack. And the wind blew. But I uncovered two black beetles and one lady bug, several unfriendly grubs (very satisfying to squish), and lots of big fat nightcrawlers, which I moved to the freshly-fluffed soil. Even got to take my pup with me. And I got to bring home two flowering quince starts! On top of that I got some adorable seed packets from Toni... I am SO ready for spring! *tapping toes impatiently* Making Cabbage Patch soup for dinner- brown a pound of hamburger & drain/rinse. Add 1 can diced tomatos, 2 cans beef stock, 1 can mushrooms, 1/2 finely chopped onion and simmer together for a bit. For last 15 min, add chopped-up cabbage. Uber-easy, my family loves it, what more could I want? I think I have some grainy-bread that'll go good with it, too.
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