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not gardening rocks no more!
Posted: 07 Jan 2012 Posted: 17 May 2010 Posted: 12 Mar 2010 Posted: 02 Mar 2009 Posted: 12 Feb 2009 All Entries |
mumblings of sleepy gardenerHeld my two-day garage sale, and my grand total (garage sale plus gardening earnings) is two-hundred buckaroos! Just in time, as the money for DS's New Orleans trip is due next Sunday. Nice to be able to add to the pot and not require DH to work so much overtime. I'm getting nervous about the whole thing, though. People are telling me horror stories about the nasty molds and such that have accumulated in the uninhabited buildings. The group they are working through are very skilled at protecting the workers, but hey, I'm a mom, worry comes with the territory! I went to saw up the cherry tree that has been disease-prone all it's life and which threatens my greenhouse since it's developed a nasty lean. But I just thought I'd give it one more chance. I sawed off a big part of it, straightened it up a bit, and used a nylon anchor strap to hold it that way. I'm just not sure what I want to do with it, but since the raised beds need to be rebuilt anyway, might as well try to save it until then. My little yellow pear-tomato seeds are coming along nicely for the most part. I've moved them to a north-facing window for diffused daylight. And I planted a bunch of pansies in my kitchen window-box on the same side. Now I just need to tune up my mower for the season. Egads, I'm making myself tired. Five acres gets more overwhelming every spring. I've got an idea for a new painting rolling around in my head, inspired by a lesson taught by DH this morning and having to do with God designating different people for different purposes. If I actually get the time to work on the painting I'll post it here, it'll either be really pretty or a real candidate for the gesso jar! This blog entry has been viewed 506 times
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Best of luck to DS Mary! Try not to worry yourself toooo much :)
I hope your DS thoroughly enjoys the trip to New Orleans Mary. Try not to worry too much - HAH - as though I wouldn't be chewing my finger nails up to the elbows if I were his mother!!!! LOL
Can't wait to see the painting, sounds interesting.
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