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not gardening rocks no more!
Posted: 07 Jan 2012 Posted: 17 May 2010 Posted: 12 Mar 2010 Posted: 02 Mar 2009 Posted: 12 Feb 2009 All Entries |
DS graduates, castle discovery, wildlife reportDS has graduated, and will be moving out for his summer job in a few days. I'd be a blubbering mess, but decided to forego the overwhelming load of housework to go run errands with him, mainly shopping for his Father's day pres. When the two of them were out hiking in the Olympics last year, and got caught in a lightning storm with golfball-size hail, they had to rip his sleeping bag in half to shelter them after they dropped their packs and were running for their lives. Ah, good times. Very fitting that he get his dad a new bag, eh? Anyway, it was awfully good to just spend a day bumming around with him. sniffle. My mom tracked down a geneaology book on the MacDougall line of the family. Always been curious about that one, since the pairing of my first and middle name has passed through every second generation of women for quite some time now. To my extreme delight, I find that we have a family castle! I googled it and got some great photos, and plan on doing some sketches when I get a bit of time to breathe. All odds are against me ever being able to actually go there to see it, but that's ok. It's pretty cool just knowing about it. Here's a site that shows it if anyone's curious: I like that name, think my next critter might get named Dunollie! I'm actually Scottish on both sides, fortunately they don't seem to have ever been warring clans, lol! The castle is near Oban, overlooking the Firth of Lorn. So fun, there's a castle and a fellow who went down in a shipwreck on my Mom's side and a couple of people on the Mayflower on my Dad's side. And a bunch of folks that came here as indentured servants from Wales and Scotland on both sides, what a mix! Dandelion control is in full swing. It's tricky, if I mow the prairie at the wrong time, it makes the native grasses too weak and the dandelions move in. But if I wait too long, the invasive scotch broom gets too thick for my mower. Tsk, this habitat management is for the birds! Or rather, the bunny that lives outside my kitchen window. It's so tiny! *melt* The quail population is definitely having a peak this year, there are at least two pair claiming my place as their own, and two other pair I've spotted across the road at the neighbors. I wonder if having the wildlife preserve expand this way will mean even more quail and pheasant? Probably more cougar encounters, but what I'm hoping is that the herd of elk that feeds not far from here will mosey up this way. Love watching them! This blog entry has been viewed 649 times
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Wow what a nice find your mom found! I wish i could figure out how to find out what my heritige is and who my family are. If any one is interested in showing me, Id love some help! lol. WOW I wish i could go see your families castle! That is so neat!
Congrats to your DSs graduating!! I know your heart will miss him.. but I know how proud you must be!! I think the fathers day gift is perfect! (: Although its to bad you cant sew the old one for 'cherrished memories" later LOL.
Many congratulation to your son on graduating Mary. You will miss him but if he's anything like my two he'll always be popping in to see his mum whenever he can.
sniffle. I'm sure you will get to see DS more than you think. sniffle. Kids always bring a tear as they reach each milestone don't they?
Oh that would be awesome, eileen!!! Especially if a local critter finds it's way into the shot *beg*
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