My Charming Visitor
gardening among the rocks | Posted:
Mon Jul 09, 2007 3:02 am
I had an unexpected visitor today. I had been in the kitchen, mixing up ingredients for an apple crisp to take to my ladies group tomorrow- I unfortunately forgot to get the apples when I was in town today. DH is working with the youth group and promised to pick up a sack on his way home. In the meantime, I went outside to move my sprinkler from the veg beds to the front garden. I bumped a plant stand on my front porch and heard a very odd *splat*. There at my feet sat a bewildered little tree frog, obviously knocked away from his evening sunbath. I apologized profusely and put him back up on the plant stand. He seemed most grateful.
I have seen some postings here with rather large toads- for an idea of scale I included in this pic the spout of a teapot that is currently filled with caladiums (that white shiney bit is the spout)
I had mentioned somewhere earlier about my waterlily blooming, but couldn't recall the post. So here it is.
It was vying for pride of place on my desktop as wall paper, Sir Frog won this round.
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