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not gardening rocks no more!
Posted: 07 Jan 2012 Posted: 17 May 2010 Posted: 12 Mar 2010 Posted: 02 Mar 2009 Posted: 12 Feb 2009 All Entries |
I'm meeelllllttttiiinnnnggg, whatta world!It's so hot and hazy here! Then it gets cold at night, which makes the yellowjackets grumpy when it gets hot again. In short, I haven't been able to do much at ALL in my garden, hrrrumph! But, I did find a tree removal guy who keeps a pile of woodchips at his place, with (the best part) a big FREE sign on them. Hey, even I can afford that! So hopefully I can get some work done when the kids head back to school this week, woohoo! I recently found out that it's illegal where I live to cut down an oak tree. Now, I love the oaks so this isn't a huge issue, but the fact that those who monitor such things have taken aerial photos and circled the oak trees out here is, well, more than a little "big brotherish", dontcha think? And someone took me to a website where satellite pictures of my property are. Creepy! But with the weather patterns changing so much here, who knows how long they'll be growing. My pine trees are drying out, and I've lost some very old branches off one of them. I do miss the rain! Guess I should be looking at xeriscaping, eh? Got an enameling kiln at a garage sale this weekend, and have grandiose visions of brightly colored enameled-copper windchimes for my garden next spring. If I actually get anything decent made, I'll be sure to post photos here. This blog entry has been viewed 488 times
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I think it's a great idea that they look after the oaks like that. They must have had lots of problems in the past with oaks disappearing.
We lost so many oaks in Katrina. Now pine beetles are killing our trees faster than we can keep up. I'm glad someone is watching over oaks, but I agree, I don't much like big brother doing it from the sky,
I have a few Oak saplings started a few years ago by the squirrels hiding acorns for the winter then forgetting to come back for them. One is about 4 feet tall and will change the whole complextion of my major flower bed in a few years...from full sun to a lot of shade.
If they come to Texas looking fo Oaks the entire map would be solid circles.At least in this area.It is the most common tree around.They are really bad to fall if its a really wet season as the tap roots on them turns loose and they go down.
I'll only post progress pictures if they make me look good, Stew, lol! I've never used one of these in my life but am begging for advice on my art forum website! Login or register to leave a comment. |
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