Gotta love a man with a truck!
gardening among the rocks | Posted:
Tue Sep 05, 2006 6:18 am
My husband stopped on his way home from work to pick me up some bark from the woodcutter with the "free" pile. But he had no shovel. And the guy wasn't home. So my sweetie backed up to the pile, and scooped in the stuff. With his BARE HANDS!! After working on a holiday! Am I blessed or what?!? I get to finish my path tomorrow morning thanks to him!
And, just to keep life from getting easy, I started reshaping my back garden bed, ya know, so the rhododendron wouldn't outgrow it's borders. Tsk, the lady's lost her marbles for sure this time.
Anyone know of a really great fertilizer for an asian pear? mine isn't much more than a stick with a couple of tiny, stingy pears on it, and it's been in the ground for 5 years.
Wed. am quick note- went out early and got all that bark spread. It's so cushy underfoot! I put it down thick, as alot of what's in it will compost down over a (hopefully) wet winter. Took pics but they came out too bright. Bee sting on my finger from yesterday morning itches something aweful!
Last edited: Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:44 pm
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