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dooley's Blog
Moving Day is approaching!
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 11:14 pm We've been busy sorting and boxing stuff. We've taken much stuff to the local thrift shop. We decided if it's not something we really need and it can be purchased in Wisconsin should we decide we really need it that we will donate it to the thrift shop. We will be leaving Texas on the 18th or 19th of March. We have rented a Penske moving truck. Either Dan or Tom will drive it. I tried to tell them I could do it but they think it will be too much for me. I know it would be a bit slower than they will make the trip. I think it will take two or three days. Especially if we decide to stop and visit with wannabe. Not sure how much time is possible with three men wanting to get the trip over and just myself wanting to stop. I will miss Texas. We really liked living here and the people are so friendly and helpful. But, they are right, you know. We probably do need to be closer. I was thinking since dr doesn't drive due to health issues that if I was sick or something he would be stuck here relying on neighbors to get around to places he needed to go. We do live about 10 or 12 miles from town. We have six or eight houses within walking distance but you couldn't walk 10 or 12 miles to town. At our age it would take all day. Our truck sure knows the way. It doesn't like sitting in the driveway. Our son is going to inherit it when we get moved as we will live in town and not need a vehicle. There are buses to use for transportation and dial-a-ride, too. Our son has said he will take us shopping when we have too much to carry on the bus. It will be a "little" colder in the northern climate. They have snow which we haven't lived with in many years. When we have had to deal with snow in the last 25 years, it's been flurries or it's melted the same day. I don't think it does that in Wisconsin. But, it's only two weeks away now and I'm starting to wonder if we will be ready to move. Dan is coming on the 14th to help us pack. We get the truck on the 18th. Tom is meeting us in Dallas on the 19th and will drive us the rest of the way. It looks like a daunting job when you are younger but it's way more when you are halfway through your 70's. Well, almost halfway. If we are not ready, Dan will be able to stuff it into the rental moving van. But, if not it will be left and put to good use by the man who is moving in here. It's the landlady's father and she is just next door and there are about a dozen grandchildren running around to "help" with things. The oldest is 11 so they may be more trouble than help. Our grandsons who live near where we are moving are 12 and 16. They will be more help if we need it. The oldest is just getting his driver's license and will be wanting to drive and he can drive us if we need to go somewhere. I think I'd better go see if I can find something to cook or reheat for our supper. I'll try to keep you informed on how things go. Computer is going with us and will be back in operation as soon as possible. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 506 times
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