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It's Fall already!
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dooley's Blog
It really is summer weather here!
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:00 am We've been having summer weather here since early March. I'm not a cold weather person so I like the hot weather. Usually when the sun goes down it cools off 20 degrees and it's nice. We've been having a lot of wind and that helps, too. We go out into the front yard with Chance. She checks things out and comes and plops down by our feet. Tonight there is no breeze so we didn't stay out too long. It's been hot and dry and windy and the Texas drought makes everything dry. I water most every day but only vegetables, flowers and trees. No grass here! The rain we had was very welcome and the plants enjoyed it and grew several inches. I have the tomato jungle. The tomatoes are ripening slowly so we can keep up eating them. We eat a lot of vegetables and fruit in the summer. We stopped at a farm market in Huntsville this morning. I bought, would you believe it, tomatoes. I also bought eggplant, onions and little red potatoes. At the grocery store I bought green beans, zucchini, peaches and strawberries and bananas and two kinds of leaf lettuce and romaine hearts of lettuce. I didn't buy cucumbers because I have half a dozen from the garden. I see some more growing so maybe I can keep Chance in cucumbers this summer. I noticed I have two wee yellow squash also. I'm glad the vegetable garden is doing well because the flowers aren't doing much at all. I only have petunias and impatients blooming and one marigold. I planted morning glories twice and the only ones to come up are the ones that I didn't plant. I don't know where they came from. They are on the garden fence. I have a rose on the bush that isn't a climber. I'll have to remember to get a picture of it. The black eyed susans are doing well. They are a wildflower here and are seen all along the road and in fields. Chance likes them. Maybe I can catch a picture of her smelling them. I never seem to have my camera handy when I need it. The local farm market started in May, a couple of weeks ago. Now, starting on Saturday it is going to move to the town square in the center of town. We'll see how that goes. On Friday it will be still at the old place. So, I've been doing some sewing the last several days. I'm trying to increase my inventory of children's aprons and tote bags. One of my sisters sent me some fabric suitable to it. The first week a young girl, maybe six or seven, looked at the aprons and tote bags and wanted to know if I made them or bought them. I told her that I sewed them. She talked her grandma into buying her an apron so she could learn to cook. Her grandma wanted to know how she was going to learn to cook. She told her that you are going to teach me. Grandma bought her an apron. She must have been six because grandma said it would be a present for going from kindergarten to first grade. When they were leaving the little girl turned around and told me, "You are very creative." I waited until they were gone to laugh. It just tickled me when she said it. Very grownup! I need to increase my tote bag inventory, too. There are many things I need to do and staying inside when it's so hot that heat stroke is a possibility is a good time to do it. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 1593 times
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