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dooley's Blog
Amish quilt update, July 17
Category: Amish quilt | Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 8:43 pm Today, I ironed all the seams flat and laid the rows out on the table so I could check the pattern. Other than the two squares that I had to change yesterday, the pattern seems to be okay. I will have to tweak some seams a bit as I eyeballed them as I sewed and in some cases my eyeballs may have been a little tired. Anyway, the camera flash made the colors a little brighter but for the most part this is what it will be when I get the top finished. dooley ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 654 times
Amish quilt update, July 15
Category: Amish quilt | Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:22 am Wow! I have 17 rows of 17 squares done. That is 289 squares. Earlier I estimated 40 stitches per row and there are 16 rows of stitches per row. So, that makes 640 stitches per row or 10,880 stitches for the 17 rows. Total time so far, 13 hours an 25 minutes approximately. The next step is to iron out all the seams, 172 of them, to flatten them and then, sew the strips together according to the grid. Guess I will start that part tomorrow. dooley total time to date:13 hours 25 minutes This blog entry has been viewed 590 times
Amish quilt update, July 10
Category: Amish quilt | Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 5:09 am I didn't work on the quilt yesterday but I did two rows this afternoon. Two rows are 34 squares and added to the 102 that I have already finished makes it 136 squares sewn together. That is 8 rows. So, I'm almost half finished with the squares. Total time is 6 hrs and 55 minutes. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 586 times
Amish quilt update-July 8
Category: Amish quilt | Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 3:36 am This afternoon, I sat and worked the rest of row two and row three. That took an hour. Then, I finished a book that I had started. After we ate supper, I took my basket and went out to the little backyard and sat at the table and sewed for about an hour. Then a thunderstorm rolled around us and I had to come inside. I finished the row that I was working on inside. Now, I have six rows finished. Let's see, 17 squares to a row makes that 102 squares finished. But, I made a mistake the other day. There will be only 289 instead of 320. I cut too many purple ones. So, I can add 3 hours for today so that makes 7 and 1/2 hours to date. Coming along nicely I think. I only made one mistake so far. I got the row doubled under and sewed a block in with the seam that I was working on. Had to take that one apart. Oops! Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 641 times
Amish quilt update-July 7
Category: Amish quilt | Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 3:01 am Tonight after we ate, I took my squares and needle and thread and went out to the table in our little backyard. I sewed 27 squares together in 75 minutes. That's approx. 3 minutes per square. There are approx. 40 stitches across the four inch square which makes it 10 stitches per inch. Anyway to add the 75 minutes to the 4 and 1/2 hours makes it 5 and 3/4 hours. It got too dark to do anymore. I decided to sew them by hand on the machine because I can do it sitting outside in the evenings. My sewing corner is hot. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 529 times
Amish quilt July 5, 2007
Category: Amish quilt | Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:21 pm I bought the material last Wednesday and yesterday I cut all 320 squares that I needed for the Amish quilt that I am making for my oldest son's expected baby. Today, I went row by row down the grid and put the blocks in order that I will sew them. Wouldn't you know that when I got to the last row, I was short three blocks so I had to go back and recount each row to find the three blocks. I had just enough material so I couldn't cut any more. In any case, if I didn't find the three missing blocks those rows would be out of order. So, row by row I counted until I found the missing blocks. Now, each row is in order in a bag so they won't get mixed up with another row. I will still match the grid when I sew so they will be in the proper order. So, I've spent about 4 and a half hours which includes buying the material. Maybe I can keep track of the amount of time it takes from start to finish here. I will start and end each blog with the time. No more today. I have to think about what to eat because I work 6 to 9 today. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 549 times
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