Amish quilt July 5, 2007
Amish quilt | Posted:
Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:21 pm
I bought the material last Wednesday and yesterday I cut all 320 squares that I needed for the Amish quilt that I am making for my oldest son's expected baby. Today, I went row by row down the grid and put the blocks in order that I will sew them. Wouldn't you know that when I got to the last row, I was short three blocks so I had to go back and recount each row to find the three blocks. I had just enough material so I couldn't cut any more. In any case, if I didn't find the three missing blocks those rows would be out of order. So, row by row I counted until I found the missing blocks. Now, each row is in order in a bag so they won't get mixed up with another row. I will still match the grid when I sew so they will be in the proper order. So, I've spent about 4 and a half hours which includes buying the material. Maybe I can keep track of the amount of time it takes from start to finish here. I will start and end each blog with the time. No more today. I have to think about what to eat because I work 6 to 9 today. Dooley
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