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dooley's Blog
Didn't get much done today!
Category: Yard work! | Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 9:53 pm I didn't get too much done today. It was just too hot. It seems a little more humid. Maybe the rainy season will start earlier. I read something about it coming but there is no rain in the forecast. I finally got out and planted a row of squash seeds in the terrace below where I put the plants and I planted some pepper seeds right in the ground. I put the soaker hose on it and came in for breakfast. I talked to Glenda for a long time and then went out and shut it off. We went to the post office and the library. I came back and checked in on the Stew and finally decided that I had to get out and do something else. I looked at the fence where the morning glories normally grow and the weeds and grass were choking it so I got my little tractor seat out and sat and cleared the fence line on both sides and the little square bed in front of it and half of the next little bed. Not sure what I will put in them but I have a lot of seeds and since the ground is warm and I can water it until the rains come stuff should grow pretty fast. I cut the grass around the gate posts and along the gate line. I got the hoe and leveled the ground again. The gate pushes up dirt and then the gate doesn't close all the way. It works a lot easier now. I watered things here and there and wound up the extra hoses on the reel and moved the wheelbarrow back a little bit. Chance has a couple of depressions in the dirt in that corner where she likes to lay when it's so hot in the afternoon so I didn't want her tipping the wheelbarrow in on top of her. So, now it's about time to think about making something to eat before I have to go to work. Only 3 1/2 hours today. It should go pretty quickly. We have a volunteer to help with checkout tonight. Have a nice evening. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 677 times
Pictures from garden area
Category: Yard work! | Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 5:32 pm We took some pictures of the garden area where I have been working for a few days. It was pretty messy and looks a lot better now. This is the flat area where I am going to let the grass grow now. ![]() These next two are the terraces. They were all broken down and I had to replace the wooden pieces and shore them up. They still need a few rocks under the boards. I put the soaker hoses there and the top one has zucchini planted. I need to do some more seeds later today. ![]() ![]() I put flowers in the tin tub. I will put more pots or tubs of flowers in the grassy spot and at the bottom of the terraces. ![]() Of course, I had a great helper. ![]() ![]() Between the grassy area and the terraces are a lot of small hollyhocks that will grow this year and flower next year. I had to take care not to cut them down or walk all over them. dr had to take a couple bridge shots. ![]() ![]() The lower back yard with the apple trees ![]() and a couple pictures of the rose hedge. This is just one end. It goes about 12 feet and is taller in some areas. ![]() ![]() I still have lots of work to do but this is some progress to date. dooley Last edited: Mon Jun 09, 2008 5:38 pm This blog entry has been viewed 923 times
I'm at it again!
Category: Yard work! | Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 11:13 pm I'm back at it. I spent two hours just cutting weeds and bagging up debris that I raked up on Friday. We went to breakfast this morning and of course made a couple of stops on the way home. I bought four more tomato plants and some zucchini to get on with until the seeds start to grow. I bought some more flowers that I want to plant down in the garden area. The flat is going to be grass and flowers now as I can't dig all that grass that grew last year and this spring. At least it doesn't look like a weed patch now. dr is going to install the windmill that a neighbor gave us last month. I let everything go for so long after I hurt my knee last spring that it's just catch up time. It's quite a lot more work than I figured it would be. We'll take some pictures tomorrow after we get the windmill installed. dr is going to take a picture of the rose hedge, too. It's just loaded with flowers. The last spot that I need to tackle is the storage space. It's just waiting for some tidying. I cut a lot of the weeds there last week when I had the lawn pup out. I also have to weed the flower bed in the lower yard and see what I can get to grow in there. We had cosmos last. Well, my glass of tea is about gone so I'd better go haul those plants back to the garden and see what I can get planted before time for dinner. Have a nice evening. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 702 times
I'm tired, I think an early night
Category: Yard work! | Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 1:16 am I'm tired. We got up a 6 am. I had an eight o'clock doctor's appointment. I like to get the first one I can get and be finished with it. I didn't feel like eating so just had a glass of tea. That was a good thing because he gave me a full panel of lab work and it was fasting. Since I skipped breakfast I could go and get that done. He also scheduled a bone density test but they'll call me when they get that set up. Going to the doctor made us late for the weekly yard sales so we only went to two. One was our favorite estate sale people and we did find a few things even though we were late. dr found some things at the next sale. We decided that since it was after ten that we'd better find something to eat since my glucose levels were probably getting low. After breakfast we stopped at the store and bought some soft rolls for sandwiches for tomorrow and since it was hot outside we bought ice cream. Now, having ice cream in the truck, did we go straight home. Of course not. We aren't that smart, are we? We stopped at another yard sale. We bought some metal and wire lawn chairs. Four matching ones. Then we stopped at the post office and went to the bank and then we came home. The ice cream wasn't completely melted so I popped it into the freezer. After another glass of tea, I went out and got out my little lawn pup and mowed Chance's yard and the lower back yard and the path through the storage yard. Then, I hooked up the hose and watered the apple trees and pulled weeds around them which the lawn pup wouldn't get because of the rocks I have around them. I watered the flowers that I planted on Wednesday and then went around and watered everything out front. I didn't get the weeds cut in front but there's always another day. I came back inside and checked my glucose levels and though not low it was low enough that I made toasted bagels with cheddar cheese and had a bowl of that ice cream. After another glass of tea Chance and I went back outside. I was going to plant some squash seeds. Well, I haven't done anything in the garden area since April, 2007. It was full of bind weed and grass and the terraces were falling down and full of about everything. First thing was to rake everything into a big pile and repair the terraces and put down some fertilizer. Then I raked up the weeds and pulled the bindweed and moved all the assorted pots into one area and watered the terraces. I think I can plant the squash in the two terraces and put flowers at the bottom. I used the boards from the bottom terrace to make another flower bed last year so I don't really have a bottom terrace but if I put flowers there it will be okay. I think I'll put those zinnia's there. I have four paks of seeds. I have some other seeds but I think I will start them in pots. dr is going to fix the windmill on Sunday. He says it will help keep the birds away. I still have the big pile of weeds and grass, etc to pick up but I will do that on Sunday. I came inside and put pork chops in the oven and some sweet potatoes with apples in another pan in the oven. I sat down here just to read posts and decided to write a blog. So, now, I'm off to have a shower before supper. I'll probably wash several pounds of dirt down the drain. It's down to about 80 in the shade now so maybe I managed to lose a pound or two while I was out there. I have to work seven hours tomorrow so I hope I didn't work my knees too hard. Have a nice evening. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 709 times
Run, Oreo, Run!
Category: Vacations | Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 3:58 am My name is Oreo. I live with a nice lady named Glenda. She feeds me and makes me go outside every day. She calls it exercise. I'd just as soon stay on this nice sofa and snooze. This week Glenda had guests. They were grandkids. She called them Trey and Logan. I called them something else. They wanted to play with me. I like to play. I chase after my toys. Trey can throw them okay. Logan doesn't throw them. He chews them. Did you ever have to chase a toy that has been chewed on by a drooling kid? Trey and Logan wanted to give me hugs. I like hugs. Trey can pat my head and give me a hug. Logan nearly pounds me into the floor. Trey can give me a hug. Logan squeezes the breath out of me. He holds on so tight and pulls my fur. That hurts a lot. Glenda wouldn't let me bite him. She says he's only a baby. I tried to hide but that baby has sharp eyes. Glenda says, "Run, Oreo, run." Glenda had two more people who were guests. They were not grandkids. They helped Glenda say, "Run, Oreo, run." They helped protect me from that demon baby and his big brother. They knew I just wanted to snooze on the sofa. I'm getting too old to run from babies. I hide behind the end table and Logan still finds me. I'll be sleeping and dreaming and I'll hear "Run, Oreo, Run." I move really fast when I have to. I run under dr's chair. He will protect me. Dooley helps rescue me. She picks Logan up and carries him off to another place. Trey helps Logan sneak up on me sometimes. Big brothers help little brothers a lot. I have to run to dr and Glenda for help. One day Logan and Trey went riding in the car with their mom. That was a relief. I had a nice restful day on the sofa. But, it ended with someone shouting, "Run, Oreo, Run!" dr and dooley gave me a hug and a pat on the head and said, "Goodbye." They are going home to see Chance. Now I only have Glenda to say, "Run, Oreo, Run." I hope she isn't too busy. I heard her say that Trey and Logan will gon home on Friday. I hope that's soon. In the meantime, I'll listen for Glenda to say, "Run, Oreo, Run!" and try to find another good place to hide. When Glenda says it's time to go outside I'll try to remember to tell her that I don't need exercise. I've run too many times from that demon baby. Exercise is all well and good but I'm exhausted. I need a nice peaceful nap on the sofa. I hope those grandkids go home home soon. Oreo. Run, Oreo, Run! dooley This blog entry has been viewed 764 times
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