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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
I'm tired, I think an early nightI'm tired. We got up a 6 am. I had an eight o'clock doctor's appointment. I like to get the first one I can get and be finished with it. I didn't feel like eating so just had a glass of tea. That was a good thing because he gave me a full panel of lab work and it was fasting. Since I skipped breakfast I could go and get that done. He also scheduled a bone density test but they'll call me when they get that set up. Going to the doctor made us late for the weekly yard sales so we only went to two. One was our favorite estate sale people and we did find a few things even though we were late. dr found some things at the next sale. We decided that since it was after ten that we'd better find something to eat since my glucose levels were probably getting low. After breakfast we stopped at the store and bought some soft rolls for sandwiches for tomorrow and since it was hot outside we bought ice cream. Now, having ice cream in the truck, did we go straight home. Of course not. We aren't that smart, are we? We stopped at another yard sale. We bought some metal and wire lawn chairs. Four matching ones. Then we stopped at the post office and went to the bank and then we came home. The ice cream wasn't completely melted so I popped it into the freezer. After another glass of tea, I went out and got out my little lawn pup and mowed Chance's yard and the lower back yard and the path through the storage yard. Then, I hooked up the hose and watered the apple trees and pulled weeds around them which the lawn pup wouldn't get because of the rocks I have around them. I watered the flowers that I planted on Wednesday and then went around and watered everything out front. I didn't get the weeds cut in front but there's always another day. I came back inside and checked my glucose levels and though not low it was low enough that I made toasted bagels with cheddar cheese and had a bowl of that ice cream. After another glass of tea Chance and I went back outside. I was going to plant some squash seeds. Well, I haven't done anything in the garden area since April, 2007. It was full of bind weed and grass and the terraces were falling down and full of about everything. First thing was to rake everything into a big pile and repair the terraces and put down some fertilizer. Then I raked up the weeds and pulled the bindweed and moved all the assorted pots into one area and watered the terraces. I think I can plant the squash in the two terraces and put flowers at the bottom. I used the boards from the bottom terrace to make another flower bed last year so I don't really have a bottom terrace but if I put flowers there it will be okay. I think I'll put those zinnia's there. I have four paks of seeds. I have some other seeds but I think I will start them in pots. dr is going to fix the windmill on Sunday. He says it will help keep the birds away. I still have the big pile of weeds and grass, etc to pick up but I will do that on Sunday. I came inside and put pork chops in the oven and some sweet potatoes with apples in another pan in the oven. I sat down here just to read posts and decided to write a blog. So, now, I'm off to have a shower before supper. I'll probably wash several pounds of dirt down the drain. It's down to about 80 in the shade now so maybe I managed to lose a pound or two while I was out there. I have to work seven hours tomorrow so I hope I didn't work my knees too hard. Have a nice evening. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 708 times
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Dang Dooley, you were very busy, I wish I could get half as much accomplished.
If I got up at 6 am I might get a forth of what you got done today just maybe.I managed to water my plants and tonight burned my garbage and cleaned house put on a wash.It was a 100 degrees on the porch in the shade about 3:00 pm.To hot to do much outside.I hope you didn't hurt your knee.
I didn't do any digging. I just used the hoe and the rake. It was pulling the bindweed that started it hurting but since I came inside it isn't hurting so maybe I quit just in time. dooley
I haven't had to water my flowers, all the rains took care of that. It is still stormy tonight so probably won't water until Monday or Tuesday. Wannabe
You had a busy day, dooley. I hope your knee will treat you nice and behave for you.
Whew! I get winded just reading how your day went, Dooley. I take my hat off to you.
Dooley neither wonder you're tired!! How you manage to do so much is beyond me. If I had temperatures like yours I'd be wilting in a dark corner somewhere not out in the garden!!! As Sjoerd says be good to your knees or you'll have to join me in that corner!!!!
You are a very busy woman, Dooley. Wish I could accomplish that much and still be standing. You be sure and watch your blood sugar. My husband was a brittle diabetic.
O man, I just had a nap and now you've made me tired again!
Wow Dooley! I'm exhausted now. I was going to weed today and never got that done. The neighbors were out and the kids wanted to go in the pool so we sat about and chatted all afternoon. Be good to your knees, I think you need them. Sleep well! Login or register to leave a comment. |
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