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dooley's Blog
Busy week!
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:42 pm I sewed a lot this week. I was trying to get somewhat a head of things. I had sold things last week and I wanted to try a new type of tote bag. We went out almost every day. I am still using the computer at the library. It's been hot and humid and Thursday we had a lot of rain. Fortunately, it didn't rain on Friday and Saturday. We went to the Farm Market on those days and I did really well this weekend so I guess I'll have to sew everyday this week. I sold seven aprons and several tote bags. I tried a new style tote bag and sold the first one on Saturday so I may make some more of them. I do need to finish the stuff I have cut out though. I made some spaghetti sauce this week and it turned out well so I want to try to make some for the freezer. Brian says he may need to buy a generator to keep the freezer running if we have storms this summer. I hope they all go around us. You can't depend on that though. We have had more than our share of rain so far this year. We have more than our share of grasshoppers too. If anyone can think of a good use for grasshoppers, let me know. One of the guys at the farm market says we need to catch them and put them in the freezer, too. He thinks they may be good breaded and deep-fried. I'm not too sure about that but there are some cultures that do eat insects. I suppose you could if you were hungry. I got up this morning and pulled the weeds out of the rose bushes. Last night I pulled some out of the yard. It's too hot to do anything during the day except sewing. That's done inside with the a/c in use. I'm not a fan of cold weather and I don't like to complain about the hot but the humidity could be a tad bit lower. I knew when we moved here that the humidity was higher than in Arizone but it was too dry there. I could use a happy medium. Complaining done! Have a good week! dooley This blog entry has been viewed 433 times
Tomato sauce
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 5:47 pm I made tomato sauce. Usually I just chunk up the tomatoes and freeze them. But, with all the rain we've had it made tomatoes grow fast and they split. The farmers at the market picked them and brought them and tried to sell them for canning, etc. There were a lot left so I ended up with them. I washed them off, cut out the split parts and chunked them into a pot. I cooked them until they got soft and then mashed them through a colander. I ended up with six two to three cup bags of sauce. There are a few seeds that got through but they'll be okay in soup and such. I may try to strain them out when I defrost the frozen tomatoes when I use them. I've made 18 jars of strawberry jam, 14 jars of peach jam and 18 jars of blackberry jam. I have a place to get muscadine(?) grapes. When they are ready to pick the man will let me know. Free for the picking. I think I have enough for a couple of years since there are just the two of us. I've orders for aprons so I guess I'll be keeping busy this summer for sure. I do need to get out and pull some weeds and cut some more brush. Our fence is in the process of going up so I can plant some flowers along it. The roses are growing but no blooms as yet. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 1228 times
Rain, rain and more rain
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:09 pm We've been having a lot of rain the last week or so. Last week we had 4 to 5 inches in one day and night. Then the temperatures went up into the upper 90's and cooked everything. It started raining again on Monday and it rained Tuesday and Wednesday and we are having showery weather this morning. I hope it clears up but it will get hot and humid and cook the rest of the stuff in my tubs. We had thunder and lightning and pouring rain the three days this week. Poor Chance hates thunder. We woke up Wednesday morning at 6 am to loud barking and booming thunder. I had to get up and sit with Chance and tell it was okay. We got a window a/c unit for my sewing room so I can get to work again. I spent yesterday afternoon cutting things out and sorting things. I met a lady this morning that has a lot of material and sewing things she wants to sell. She will get it all sorted out and call me when it's ready to pick up. I may put some things in her country store when she gets it up and running. They are still working on it. I've been going to the farm market and business it picking up there. I hope the rain doesn't keep it closed this weekend. I know, we need the rain but it could be spread out a bit more than it is. Chance loves being outside but doesn't much care for getting wet. I don't much care for it either. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 953 times
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