Tomato sauce
Daily Happenings | Posted:
Tue Jun 15, 2010 5:47 pm
I made tomato sauce. Usually I just chunk up the tomatoes and freeze them. But, with all the rain we've had it made tomatoes grow fast and they split. The farmers at the market picked them and brought them and tried to sell them for canning, etc. There were a lot left so I ended up with them. I washed them off, cut out the split parts and chunked them into a pot. I cooked them until they got soft and then mashed them through a colander. I ended up with six two to three cup bags of sauce. There are a few seeds that got through but they'll be okay in soup and such. I may try to strain them out when I defrost the frozen tomatoes when I use them.
I've made 18 jars of strawberry jam, 14 jars of peach jam and 18 jars of blackberry jam. I have a place to get muscadine(?) grapes. When they are ready to pick the man will let me know. Free for the picking. I think I have enough for a couple of years since there are just the two of us.
I've orders for aprons so I guess I'll be keeping busy this summer for sure. I do need to get out and pull some weeds and cut some more brush. Our fence is in the process of going up so I can plant some flowers along it. The roses are growing but no blooms as yet.
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