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dooley's Blog
A Day Off
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:11 am We decided we'd been working too hard so we would take a day off. We couldn't decide what we wanted to do so we went to breakfast and took the Texas Road Map with us. After staring at it for a time we decided that what we really needed to do was go to Home Depot in Huntsville and buy some garden soil in bags and a hose reel. So, after remembering to go to the bank first, we headed to Huntsville. We looked at all the potting soil. We are going to mix the potting soil with some garden soil from the yard, some mushroom compost and some of the packaged potting soil and use it for the buckets for the tomatoes. We, also, found a discarded bathtub that we want to fill with soil after cleaning it out good. It actually looks very clean now but we will do some further cleaning on it. We bought a big bag of Miracle Gro with moisture control and six bags of Scott's garden soil. It says no sticks in it. We bought a lemon balm and a marjarom plant. We bought a couple of hose reels that faster to the house. I thought the others were a little too pricy. We went and looked at refrigerators. We have a double door one that comes with the house we rent. Half is refrigerator and half is freezer. It works just fine but it takes up a lot of space and neither side is really big enough. We found one we like but they charge too much for delivery because their store is too far from Madisonville. It's not our fault their store isn't closer. We didn't buy a refrigerator today. We went to Trinity. We were going to go a little further but we stopped at a sausage shop and had lunch and bought several kinds of sausages and some other stuff. They had barbecue sandwiches so we ate lunch there, too. Then, we went to Trinity and looked around and bought a couple of things at the Alco store. Since it was after two we turned around and headed back. We stopped at the WalMart store and bought three six paks of red petunias and a nine pack of mixed purple ones. I'm not sure what I will do with them. I want to buy geraniums but I haven't found any that I want to buy yet. I can't decide what I want anyway. I had some nice ones in Arizona and I gave them to Dan. I couldn't bring them along. We bought a couple more bags of potting soil, too. We got home about 4:30 so we did spend quite awhile off doing stuff and seeing things. We will go back to that sausage shop. I bet you can guess that we had sausages for supper and strawberry shortcake though we bought the strawberries yesterday. Tomorrow we are going to go to Normangee to a six family yard sale to see what we can find. I hope it isn't canceled. It's forecast to rain, but not until afternoon. I need to get out my map to see where it is at before we start out not knowing what road is where. A map is a good thing to have when you don't know the area. So, we will get up early and go exploring again tomorrow and if it rains in the afternoon, I will read my book so we can go to the library on Friday. Next week we have to go to Bryan/College Station because I have a preop on Tuesday with paperwork and on Thursday I will have that skin cancer off my arm. We will see what else we can get into down there. I need to look at my map and see what is close. I hope you had a good day, too and did just exactly what you wanted to do and not just what you had to do. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 498 times
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