Didn't get much done today!
Yard work! | Posted:
Tue Jun 10, 2008 9:53 pm
I didn't get too much done today. It was just too hot. It seems a little more humid. Maybe the rainy season will start earlier. I read something about it coming but there is no rain in the forecast.
I finally got out and planted a row of squash seeds in the terrace below where I put the plants and I planted some pepper seeds right in the ground. I put the soaker hose on it and came in for breakfast. I talked to Glenda for a long time and then went out and shut it off. We went to the post office and the library. I came back and checked in on the Stew and finally decided that I had to get out and do something else. I looked at the fence where the morning glories normally grow and the weeds and grass were choking it so I got my little tractor seat out and sat and cleared the fence line on both sides and the little square bed in front of it and half of the next little bed. Not sure what I will put in them but I have a lot of seeds and since the ground is warm and I can water it until the rains come stuff should grow pretty fast. I cut the grass around the gate posts and along the gate line. I got the hoe and leveled the ground again. The gate pushes up dirt and then the gate doesn't close all the way. It works a lot easier now. I watered things here and there and wound up the extra hoses on the reel and moved the wheelbarrow back a little bit. Chance has a couple of depressions in the dirt in that corner where she likes to lay when it's so hot in the afternoon so I didn't want her tipping the wheelbarrow in on top of her. So, now it's about time to think about making something to eat before I have to go to work. Only 3 1/2 hours today. It should go pretty quickly. We have a volunteer to help with checkout tonight. Have a nice evening. dooley
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