Amish quilt update-July 8
Amish quilt | Posted:
Mon Jul 09, 2007 3:36 am
This afternoon, I sat and worked the rest of row two and row three. That took an hour. Then, I finished a book that I had started. After we ate supper, I took my basket and went out to the little backyard and sat at the table and sewed for about an hour. Then a thunderstorm rolled around us and I had to come inside. I finished the row that I was working on inside. Now, I have six rows finished. Let's see, 17 squares to a row makes that 102 squares finished. But, I made a mistake the other day. There will be only 289 instead of 320. I cut too many purple ones. So, I can add 3 hours for today so that makes 7 and 1/2 hours to date. Coming along nicely I think. I only made one mistake so far. I got the row doubled under and sewed a block in with the seam that I was working on. Had to take that one apart. Oops! Dooley
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