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My new life is shapping up nicely
Posted: 23 Dec 2006 Posted: 29 Oct 2006 Posted: 09 Oct 2006 Posted: 27 Sep 2006 Posted: 25 Sep 2006 All Entries |
Pinkiered's BlogRoses, Roses and more Roses PLEASE!
Around my yard
Category: Spring | Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 4:54 pm My Golden Glow (climber) Rose is so tall! But just the one stem! LOL Im 5ft 7 so this is about 5ft 4.Dont know where its going but its going somewheres! LOL ![]() A wayward Morning Glory! LOL In the middle of nowhere. But Im letting it stay in case its one of the red ones that have vanished! ![]() Huge pot of Cannas I rescued off the side of the road. I was told by the lady who had owned it that it was Cannas but they look like my Bird of Paradise. Either way, Im glad its here! ![]() My Impomea (spelled right?) is in bloom. ![]() asparagus fern is in bloom! I didnt even know they bloomed! It didnt last year. Does this mean Ill get seeds? ![]() ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 571 times
Our Gnome leader got his miracle!!!
Category: Spring | Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 5:07 pm Maybe because it had been so dry around here for the last two months or someone up there really liked my roses, but the ground soaked up most of the water over night! >does a happy dance< I didnt lost any plants BUT theres lot of damage done. The high winds broke off alot of plants and blew away alot of flowers but thats nothing that cant grow back! I have lots of cleaning to do. But Ill do it with joy!!! Small price to pay, concidering. Heres some pics. My battries went dead so I couldnt get many. But I had a surprise waiting for me! Almost like a peace offering!!! MY PANSY FINALLY BLOOMED!!! Sad little flower but its something! ![]() And the rose blooms that did survive look pitiful! ![]() ![]() Except for my Chrsyler Imperial that sits behind the Wisteria. It must of protected it from the worse cuz it looks wonderful!!! ![]() and the Sunny Mini looks good too. ![]() those are the only blooms that made it through the high winds. But most of the buds are still there. This blog entry has been viewed 554 times
If you happen to see Noah......
Category: Spring | Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 1:40 am ...ask him if I can use his ark! Its started pouring about 11 am and stopped at 7:45 pm. It came down hard and non-stop. I just got my first look at my isnt pretty! And my heart is breaking cuz more likely than not, Ill lose all my roses and my wisteria(who doesnt like so much water) Just out my front door ![]() Shot from front steps down side yard ![]() Side yard (yes thats my waterhose underwater) ![]() Backyard (that ac unit is sitting on cinder blocks)Note my poor sago palm...I will most likely lose it too. ![]() Passion Vine ![]() Persian Buttercups ![]() Petunias ![]() the whole flower bed ![]() Rose garden from inside ![]() water depth in rose garden ![]() My Blue Girl ![]() Scrapie and mini potted banana tree..note the bottom of the pot. ![]() Miss Kiwi wasnt too happy with all the water! She doesnt like getting her feet wet. ![]() Missy was ,of course, playing in it. ![]() Beautiful sky but ugly results ![]() ![]() ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 798 times out for being out in 90 degree weather
Category: Spring | Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 3:11 am After two years of hanging in my closet , never to see the light of day again, Sat I was able to put on and button up, without laying down on the bed, my skinny pants! :D I was in a 24 at Xmas time and now Im in a 16! Its all paying off, this hot ,dry weather. At least something looks good in my yard now! HAHAH! This blog entry has been viewed 536 times
Cleaning out the pond....
Category: Spring | Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 4:50 am OK its more a puddle then a pond but it had to be cleaned out just the same! My white Birds of Paradise and some cannas came in the mail today so I couldnt put it off anymore! They needed a good home and fast. I started by pulling all the out of control weeds up in the pond. It wasnt too hard because they had just grow over the plastic. After everything was out, I started pulling up the old plastic. The guy who dug this thing used that clear, cheap plastic. It was a pain to get it all up! It had holes in it that kept tearing.And I found that there was no method to that maddness! He had some of the plastic, wayyyy up over the lawn. I didnt know cuz the grass had grown over it. But Im talking up to 3 ft in some areas...and it looks like he just dumped this clay over it. There was a good 3 ft of clay on top of the plastic that was up in the yard. Lots of digging! And the clay is soaked! So it was heavy too. Once I got all the plastic up, I decided to call it a day. I was covered in clay splatter. I was walking in the pond with water up to my ankles and slipped and fell right in! That stuff is slippery when wet! Let me tell you! I was covered from head to toes in gray clay! I was crawling out of it, which wasnt easy cuz I kept slipping, and this truck drives by with these two yahoos in it. They stop and yell,"Now all we need is another woman in there with you to make our day!" After breaking my back trying to clean out the pond and pull that plastic up, lets just say, I wasnt a lady in my response to him! I had to hose off in the yard and soaking wet, make a mad dash across my hardwood floors, tho the door, across the livingroom, down the hall and into the bathroom without leaving a river. I didnt do too well with that! But now, tho my back hurts like fire, I feel good! Now tomorrow, hopefully the water will be drained so I can go dig it out and make it evenly deep. He had it all kinds of crazy. Once its dug out, I get to lay the liner ( my mom told ME to do it right the first time!)and then add the gravel. Phew! I feel that the hardest part is yet to come! This blog entry has been viewed 612 times
My newest babies.
Category: Spring | Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 2:56 pm Yep...I did... and Nope they werent... HHAHA! Yeah I bought more plants and no they werent rose! I found out the landlord is selling this whole place so my front yard grown by half. So I have MORE! space. I bought 2 Red Weigela bush (buy 1 get 1 so I have two but only paid for one) 2 Pnke Weigela bushes (buy one get one) 1Peppermint Lace Crape Myrtle 1White Syringa Persica lilic 1 butterfly bush I thought I got a purple lilic to go with the white but I guess not. This blog entry has been viewed 456 times
Oh did I do it again!
Category: Spring | Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 5:22 am MAN! I went with a freind shopping and bought more roses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bought Hot Cocoa (floribunda/tree) Gold Masterpiece (tea/tree) Perfume Delight (tea/bush) NewYear(tea/bush) Europeana (floribunda/bush) Kordana -red (mini) Kordana- Sunny (mini) What have I done!? Like I didnt have enough work for myself in the yard!!!! Someon either stop me or shot me! My hubby may do the last when he finds out...all that cost me over $100.!!!!! Yikes! This blog entry has been viewed 485 times
My hand made bird feeder...
Category: Spring | Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 5:14 pm I had this ugly hanging kichten basket. Im sure weve all seen its type. Its wired and has three wired baskets, the largest being at the bottom and the littlest being at the top. Well, I had that ugly thing up in my kitchen before the move. But I flat out refused to put it in my new one. But Im a pack rat. I never throw anything away (I might need it later) So heres what I did. I took three black bowls and in two I cut holes in the bottoms. I put one in the top, one in the middle and the one without holes in the bottom. I poured bird seeds in the bowls. A few days later the birds discovered the feeder. When one was on the top, the movement sends seeds through the hole of that bowl into the seeds of the bowl below. It seems to be attacting birds when they drop through the holes. Its great to watch the different birds eatting out of different bowls right below each other at the same time. Theres a bluejay and a chickadee(think i spelled that right) that will eat at the same time. The Bluejay on top and the chickadee on the middle. Its amazing to watch. This blog entry has been viewed 495 times
Almost there
Category: Spring | Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 9:50 pm Just about all my potted plants that made the move from Fl are now in the ground. I have three to go. I wanted it done by spring so I can work on strictly seeds. I have planted some seeds. This morning I planted..... or say... sprinkled a ton of wild flower seeds in the back yard. I used them because theres so much space back there. I know I wont have time to garden back there. Its a ugly spot. I am picking up more so I can completely cover that whole area. I did it the lazy way! HA! I raked a layer of potting soil over the grass and the sprinkled the wild flower seeds over it and the raked gently and watered! HA! Those seeds will grow in anything so Im not worried. The landlord saw me and told me I have to keep the grass cut.....hmmmm How am I going to cut the grass there without cutting the flowers? Oh well, Ill cross that bridge when I come to it. If its pretty enough, I dont think hell care. Lets hope not! I got black elephant ears today! YAY! I love EEs! I have all kinds. If my cats and dogs will stop walking on them, they will grow and hide the side of the house. But EEs are alot like mints, you really cant kill them! I hung a hummingbird feeder today. The rudys are coming through. I hope its not too late to see some! One of my rose bushes, Chrysler Imperial is about to bloom! Its got two fat buds on it! Cant wait! I am seeing green on my banana trees. Once they grow, they will block the veiw from my nieghbor into my house. They are a bunch of peeping toms over there! Im buying a tiller! Ive never used one, but dangit if I dont need one out here. This grass has some tough roots! I need something to chop through it. I think thats what a tiller is for! HA! Ill find out soon! This blog entry has been viewed 519 times
OK Thats it!
Category: Spring | Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 11:24 pm I know what your thinking! I loved spring yesterday! But that was yesterday! Today I was pooped on TWICE! YES COUNT THEM.... once . . . . TWICE! By birds while working in the garden! AND! I had a straw hat on too! Now how does one get pooped on while wearing a large floppy hat, you ask? Cuz they waited until I took it off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im a natural redhead with very curly hair and it is having a fit right now! I washed it first thing this morning, then again after the first fly by and then again after the last sneak attack. Needless to say, I havent gone back out today! Not even to check my mail. It can wait until tomorrow. Im not doing it and you cant make me! This blog entry has been viewed 550 times
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