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Pianolady's Gardens
Gobble Gobble
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 3:35 am It's Thanksgiving 365 days of the year where I live. The turkeys are everywhere, they're worse than deer. Not a day passes where I don't see a group of turkeys crossing a street. This blog entry has been viewed 1313 times
Removing the fence....
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 12:54 pm Removing the picket fence in our front yard was the easy part. Getting used to people being able to see our front yard and porch, the hard part. I'd been so used to hiding behind the fence, that my front porch had become a storage area of totes, boxes, old paint, and tools....ugly. So I got off my duff and cleaned it all up yesterday. I can't remember the last time my front porch was this clean, so I thought I'd better take a pic for posterity. Now I have to quit hanging the garden hose from the house...people can see it now. lol This blog entry has been viewed 1329 times
My latest Wallpapers
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 1:52 pm Click on the thumbnail. First one should be rotated right. Not sure why it's this way here. Looks like photobucket resized them. Full resolution can be found here: Yellow Blue Last edited: Thu May 05, 2011 6:49 pm This blog entry has been viewed 1449 times
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My Latest Garden Angel
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 10:01 pm I haven't purchased any garden decor in a very long time, but I just couldn't pass her up (at 66% off). This blog entry has been viewed 549 times
Red, White & Blue
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 2:30 am My July 4th Gardening Tribute... Scentimental Mr. Lincoln Sweet Autumn (from last fall) Salvia This blog entry has been viewed 582 times
Deck View - shady area
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:17 am In the never-ending attempt to get a decent photo of the dappled shade garden, a deck view is about all I can get. Ferns, Daylilies (which desperately need division, a few roses, peonies (which are done now), coneflowers that seem to do ok anywhere, and bee balm fill the area (along with endless trees that give me my exercise in pulling). The edges near the pond get more sun, and the fern areas get less. ( photo / image / picture from Pianolady's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Pianolady's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Pianolady's Garden ) Last edited: Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:31 am This blog entry has been viewed 533 times
Deep Blue
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:52 pm These blue tinged Delphiniums are my favorite. I don't recall the variety, but they are definitely the deepest blue flower I have in my gardens. From a distance they actually look blue, you don't see the purple until you get up close. This blog entry has been viewed 1036 times
Lilies & Rudbeckia
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 12:04 am This blog entry has been viewed 600 times
Cherries, and more cherries, and more cherries.....
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 5:29 pm So where did I disappear off to now? Picking cherries. This is the week we do nothing but pick cherries. We have a beautiful crop this year due to no late frost and consistent rain. Then we pit cherries. As labor intensive the whole process is, it is still worth it. The Norpro Deluxe Cherry Stoner does a pretty good job, it can be found on places like Amazon or eBay. So far, I have 16 pounds of pitted cherries, with a long way to go... Last edited: Sat Jun 20, 2009 5:29 pm This blog entry has been viewed 502 times
The Big Picture 2009 - Part 1
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:51 am It's always a lot of fun to take close-up and macro shots, but sometimes I like to see the "big picture" of how a garden grows. Here's Part I of the big picture of my gardens. These are the shadiest areas, much gets no more than dappled sun throughout the day. I've managed to get peonies to bloom at the outer edges of the garden, where there is enough sun. Other plants that are successful are hostas, shasta daisies, roses at the sunnier edges, penstemon, grasses, iris, daylilies, clematis, trillium, mock orange, ferns, astilbe, bellflower, ajuga, and my favorite groundcover--sweet woodruff. This blog entry has been viewed 588 times
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