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Pianolady's Gardens
The Making of a YouTube Video
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 5:43 pm Since I watch so many videos of others' gardens, I just had to give it a try myself. Windows Movie Maker makes it easy, just make sure to save it to your computer when you are done so it's a .wmv file compatible with YouTube. The music is part of a Haydn sonata, played by me of course! Adding mp3 audio is easy to do, just make sure you have copyright or permission to use the music. Be sure to click on HQ after pressing play to view in high quality. Link to YouTube Video This blog entry has been viewed 627 times
Weigela in Bloom
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:40 am This weigela came with the house in 1972. It has gone through it's rough years where it looked half dead, but with some yearly early spring pruning, it bounced right back, looking better each year. This blog entry has been viewed 694 times
Everyone Needs a Good Place to Hide
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 8:44 pm My wonderful husband graciously came up with the idea to build an arbor in my back garden years back. Seven years later, my wisteria still has not bloomed....but I don't really care. It still provides a wonderful wall of privacy giving me a great place to sit. One of these years I hope to be surprised with massive purple blooms, but in the meantime, I'll enjoy hiding out in my secret room. This blog entry has been viewed 499 times
So Many Cherries, So Little Time
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 2:51 am It's going to be a bumper crop of cherries this year from our two cherry trees, thanks to no late frosts, and plenty of rain. Only problem....last year was also a bumper crop and I've got at least 20 pounds of cherries left over! Hopefully the family won't tire of cherries, as we'll be eating a lot of them. Cherry cobbler, cherry brownies, cherry jam, cherry pork chops, cherry pineapple juice, cherry chocolate malts, and of course my favorite....cherry pie! Cherry Cobbler ( photo / image / picture from Pianolady's Garden ) Cherry Cobbler from I liked this recipe, is very easy. Use less butter, more cherries on this one. This blog entry has been viewed 710 times
A bit off topic....but it's raining outside.
Category: Off Topic | Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 4:19 am It was raining outside, so I was in need of an indoor project for the day. My parents' 50th wedding anniversary is coming up, so I decided to re-do my mom's veil with new tule as it had yellowed badly over the years. $2 and one hour later, it's like new! She will be pleased. Now, if I could just get those wrinkles out of her dress. That is a challenge with frail fabric. ( photo / image / picture from Pianolady's Garden ) Last edited: Wed May 27, 2009 4:21 am This blog entry has been viewed 909 times
My New DIY Fountain
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 10:33 pm ( photo / image / picture from Pianolady's Garden ) After shopping for a fountain and only finding one I liked for $499, I decided to take a trip to Harbor Freight and spend $12 to purchase a pump to DIY a fountain with items I already had at home. The general idea is .... 1. Dig a hole, put a black liner in it (I use a barrel liner or stock feed container). 2. Level the liner! A leaning pot=water running down only one side of the pot and frustration when you have to tear everything back apart to fix it. 3. Drill 1/2" hole in bottom of a pot (or a hole the size of the tubing needed for your pump). 4. Set pot on heavy duty cast iron pot stand (to accommodate the tubing entering from underneath pot) 5. Run the tubing up through the hole, attach tubing to your pump & plug it in. It has to fit snugly into the hole, or you will need to seal it with silicone (you may want to anyway). 6. Use rocks to cover up the edge of your black liner, or let it show and plant right up to the liner, once the plants fill in the liner will not show. I'd recommend rigging up a tray to the top of your pot if it is large, water weighs a lot. You could also add a small fountain at the top, but I like subtle things, so I do not. Now you've got an effective water feature for ~$60.....even less if you find things you already have to use. I've created variants of DIY fountains enough times that I can put one of these together in a few hours. If you have never tried it, plan on making a day of it. Oh...and plug it into a GFCI outlet please. Last edited: Mon May 25, 2009 11:12 pm This blog entry has been viewed 75435 times
My Favorite Rose
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 4:38 am I believe it to be a 'Therese Bugnet' Rugosa. If you live in a northern climate, it's a must have! Probably the most prolific and least disease-prone rose I have. It's just beautiful year after year, and survives the harshest winters. It gets 6' tall with a 5' spread. This blog entry has been viewed 613 times
Bring Back the Pond and Garden Tours
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 4:37 am Five years ago, pond and garden tours seemed to be all the rage. Not a week would pass where I couldn't find a tour of some kind to fill my weekends with entertainment and inspiration. Perhaps people have become too busy, are too nervous people won't attend due to the economy, or just don't have the volunteers to host the event. Whatever the reason, bring them back! I'm ready for some first-hand inspiration, seeing photos on the internet just isn't the same. In the meantime, I'll have to travel if I want to attend an event. Keep an eye out for a tour in your area, and go see some gardens in person. I did find one organization hosting an event this summer that I've attended in the past, check it out if you live near Kansas City. Water Garden Society of Greater Kansas City KC Pond Tour 2003 ( photo / image / picture from Pianolady's Garden ) This blog entry has been viewed 580 times
Cardinals Everywhere!
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 5:56 pm I don't recall seeing many cardinals here until recently (the last few years). Now, it seems we have an abundance! This blog entry has been viewed 520 times
Time to get busy again!
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 2:19 am After a long winter, I'm finally getting back into the gardens! I'm actually way behind, but am slowly catching up with the necessary upkeep. Here's a few photos from the past week.... This blog entry has been viewed 535 times
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