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Pianolady's Gardens
Small projects never stay small
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 1:31 am My small projects always seem to grow. Since I was filling in between the stepping bricks, it seemed silly to leave grass on the garden side of the bricks, so I took it out today. I transplanted some stonecrop and filled in with some red petunias left over from another project. It will look nice when it fills in. Sure beats having to mow or weedwhack that small section of grass, hubby will like it when he sees it. LOL (If not, too late now) This blog entry has been viewed 640 times
Today's small jobs in the big picture.....
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 8:41 pm I'd be the first to admit that I may have planted more than I can handle. I actually ripped out an entire garden and seeded it back to grass a few years back. However, if I do a few smaller things each day, somehow most things get done. Didn't have to work today, so got a few more things done than usual (and it didn't start raining yet). Today I worked on transplanting tall plants that didn't end up in the back of gardens where they belong. This is what happens when you plant one garden, then expand that garden later, plant heights end up wrong. So, I transplanted cone flowers today, and dug a bunch of them up from areas where they had taken over where they weren't welcome. Next, was time to trim back the trumpet vine, dh was tired of getting poked in the eye when he mowed the lawn. Also staked a trellis that had started falling over due to the weight of the clematis vine. Needed to get that done before storms come in this evening. Finally I decided to start working on the stepping blocks out front. Continued dividing and transplanting sedum to fill in the spaces between the blocks. Luckily I have plenty of established plants to divide. The areas filled in were transplanted a few weeks ago. Last edited: Sat May 31, 2008 1:32 am This blog entry has been viewed 763 times
May 28 Walkaround (Graphic Heavy)
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 6:31 pm Shasta Daisies with two types Weigela in the background. Iris that came with the house, not sure I'm wild about the gray tones in it. Niobe Clematis Harlequin Honeysuckle This blog entry has been viewed 662 times
Memorial Day Blooms
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:22 pm Ds graduated yesterday & the big party went well. We packed our things up a bit early and got home, as that big storm front came through the midwest yesterday. No tornado or major damage here, just a few more tree limbs down here and there. Sun is finally out today, so I got outside to enjoy a few new "first" blooms of the season. So many things about ready to burst out into blooms, but not quite yet! Harlequin Honeysuckle (although the variegation seems to be disappearing over the years) Variegated Weigela First rose bloom of the year, may be Therese Bugnet Last edited: Wed May 28, 2008 1:28 am This blog entry has been viewed 630 times
May 21 Walkaround
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 7:16 pm What's in bloom today: Montana 'Rubens' Clematis Forget-me-nots Various types of Columbine Last edited: Wed May 21, 2008 8:44 pm This blog entry has been viewed 693 times
Iris Desktop Wallpaper
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 12:29 am Looking back through previous years' photos, I found some wallpaper we made from the same iris in the previous post. You're welcome to use it if you'd like. I'll keep it online only for a week or so. Iris Wallpaper This blog entry has been viewed 829 times
Bearded Iris
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 2:49 pm The bearded iris is starting to bloom. The minis are already finished, and I didn't get any pics. :( But, they were sure cute! Here's the first two colors to bloom. These all came from a relative, so I can't be absolutely sure what they are. This one may be "Accent", but I'm not sure. This blog entry has been viewed 835 times
It's Finally Spring!
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 11:18 pm After a long cold winter, it's finally time to think about gardening again! I'm thrilled that we managed not to get our cherry trees nipped by a late freeze this year, last year was so disappointing. Plans for this year are pretty much the same as all previous years, except I've added a vegetable garden tucked away in the middle of the large flower garden. It's been several years since I've had a vegetable garden, so that's pretty exciting. My favorite plant in bloom at the moment are the bleeding hearts. They are well established, and huge. We've also got a lot of garter snakes, which means less crickets etc. :) This blog entry has been viewed 651 times
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