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Pianolady's Gardens
Peanut's New Friend Maynard
Category: Pets | Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:16 pm Thankfully Peanut (blond) and Maynard (red) are getting along well. Both are Basenji mixes of some kind. It's quite the hoot to watch them interact. This blog entry has been viewed 472 times
Finally Enjoying the Fruits of my Labor
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 12:02 am Finally the tomatoes are turning red! So we had homemade pizza last night, and I made pesto today with my basil. Cherry pie too, and started freezing tomatoes and peppers today. So it's been good eating in our household this weekend. Organized the freezer today. I gave away a bunch of cherries to my friends, so I'm down to 56 pounds of pitted cherries...still plenty for the winter. I almost got them all to fit into the drawer. Just the start of my tomatoes/pepper freezing. I also freeze beans, looks like I'll actually have some this year. The jars are cherries too. Tried a pesto recipe for dinner, turned some of it into a mayo spread for sandwiches, it was pretty good & something I'd never done. May make pasta tomorrow with the leftover. A good way to use the basil in my herb garden. The recipe used 4 cups of basil! This blog entry has been viewed 1451 times
Hibiscus & Walkaround
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 11:19 pm This hibiscus gets larger every year. A new one I planted last year, not very big yet. Back walkway Best year for beans ever. This blog entry has been viewed 453 times
Built a Wheelchair Ramp
Category: Home Improvements | Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 4:10 am Spent the afternoon/evening/night today with my husband building an ADA-compliant wheelchair ramp for a family member. Not quite finished (needs handrails and rest of the curbing) but it is very strong and safe and functional as-is. We tested it out at 10:30 pm and it works great. The corner platform is 5' x 5' and the ramp itself it 4' wide. 24 feet total length. It's built in the garage for all-season access. 3/4 inch plywood, strong 2x4 framing with plenty of reinforcement. The black line is visibility paint (not a crack or gap!) since we used the top step of the old stairs as the first short section outside the door. ( photo / image / picture from Pianolady's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Pianolady's Garden ) This blog entry has been viewed 492 times
Green Tomatoes
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 12:22 am I'm getting impatient now. So many green tomatoes staring at me. And the plants are over 6' tall, what's the deal with that? It's crazy. I'll be busy soon enough I suppose. This one's my special one, just huge. Can't wait to bring it in and put it on the scale. Found a new use for my hog panel. Pole beans. This blog entry has been viewed 450 times
Garden at Back Entry
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 8:37 pm This photo is actually taken from the deck. Considering the retaining wall was replaced last year (and things were trampled), this area has recovered pretty well. Some rain lately has helped out a lot. The area where the bigger pond used to be gets filled with some time of annual each year. The area where the little pond used to be still has it's liner, and I keep bog-like plants in it. I just left the liner and filled it with dirt. This blog entry has been viewed 514 times
Big Changes Coming
Category: Everything Piano | Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 3:59 am I tried a new job over the summer, a temporary office job just to see if I'd like it better "on the other side" (aka doing something else).'s okay, but not something I'd like to do permanently for many reasons that I won't bore you with. Friday will be my last day, and I am excited to get back to everything "piano". So, I've decided to get back into piano tuning, in addition to my teaching & accompanying/performing. One of our area tuners moved, and another is nearing retirement age, so it just seems like a good time to go back into business. I owned a very successful piano tuning & repair business from 1994-1998 and quit when I went back to school. It's not something you exactly forget how to do! I've already got my first customer next week! This blog entry has been viewed 457 times
Tomatoes Setting On Heavy
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:46 am I can honestly say this year's garden is my most promising one I've had in years. The beans looked less than good at first, but are setting on strong now. I filled in the holes where the original planting didn't come up with a pole bean (package failed to mention that), so I've built some frames for those to climb. They were planted later, so I should have beans all summer long. I've got potatoes planted in front of the beans, the deer must be eating the greenery, maybe that's why they're leaving the beans alone. Cherry Sweet 100's.... And the rest... Mulching with grass clippings has been so helpful, I've haven't had to weed much at all. However, my garden does smell like a compost bin, which is fine with me. I won't bore you with a bunch of pictures of green tomatoes. Can't wait to see the varieties once they start to color. I've got white, red, yellow, and purple tomatoes planted, big and small. Last edited: Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:54 am This blog entry has been viewed 456 times
A Day Devoted to My Truck!
Category: Off Topic | Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 11:47 pm Today I decided I'd not step foot into a garden and take advantage of the weather and work on my 2003 Nissan Frontier (which I dearly love) while it was cooler outside. These trucks had the option to have a cabin filter, but most didn't come with it. So I pulled out the glove box, cut out the hole for the filter (was pre-marked from the factory), and installed the cabin filter that I picked up from the dealership this morning. Really not a difficult thing to do at all. Vacuumed out the car, cleaned the interior glass & vinyls, washed the car, Rain-X'd the outside glass and got new Firestone Destination LE2 tires for better traction installed this afternoon. Believe it or not, this truck was still rolling on it's original tires...which weren't very good when they were new. I'm looking forward to seeing how these handle in the snow, they were very high rated online. RAGBRAI starts here tomorrow, so we've got 30 bikers tenting next door. That should make for an interesting evening. They'd be smart to sleep instead of party with the ride tomorrow, hopefully they will. Got to have a few pics, I'm proud of my "older" truck, it only has 61k miles on it, and averages 22 mpg. I've put quite a bit of work into maintaining it since I purchased it a few years ago. Feels & looks like a new truck again! This blog entry has been viewed 442 times
Made a Compost Bin
Category: Pianolady's Gardens | Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 8:03 pm Needed a compost bin for years, just never got around to doing it. Used 4 pallets, which were all broken in some way (which is why they were free), and made them work using L brackets and screws to make them go together. The 4th pallet was broken to the point I had to cut it in half and use it as a half door, which I attached with wire. Lined the inside with window screen and started my pile. I guess this is my "ugly" corner, but it's gotta go somewhere and it's not too noticeable in the grand scheme of things. This blog entry has been viewed 435 times
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