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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Weeds!!The thing about summer rain is that it makes the weeds grow as well as the vegetables. The weeds seem to grow twice as fast and twice as big too. This morning I went out in the other back yard with Chance. She insisted that I go with her. I was looking at the flowers and trees. I was looking at the weeds outside the back fence bordering on the alley. They really needed cut. I went and got the big loppers that are used for trimming tree branches and my clippers. DR opened the gate for me. Well that was after we unwound the morning glories. They went from the backyard fence across the gate and onto the other backyard fence. To open the gate we had to unwind all the morning glories.They sure twist themselves around things and each other. Since they are considered a noxious weed here they were twice as big as everything else around them. The weeds were tall and thick. Of course, by the time I finished cutting them, I was covered with sticky things, sharp things and my nose was running and my eyes were watering. I came in and showered and took an allergy pill. I may take another one tonight before I go to bed. I've had half a headache all evening. DR stayed away because allergies really mess up his head and then his hearing. He doesn't need anything to help with it. This is a bad time of the year for him with everything blooming and making pollen. It's been busy at the library this week and probably will be for the next three weeks. Prescott has had their library closed for close to a year and a half while they remodeled and built an addition. They've been working out of several storefronts. On Saturday, the closed all of the storefronts so they can pack up the books and move them back to their main library. Since Prescott Valley is the next nearest library people just started bring their books to our library instead of putting them in the various drop boxes in Prescott. They are coming to check out books, etc now too so they have to have our library records added to their cards. Much more work for us. I filled three big transit tubs tonight. The county has a system where each library in the county shares their books. Patrons just go online and put a hold on a book, video, CD or whatever it is they want and it is transfered to their library. They can keep it for three weeks and then they return it to their library and their library sends it back to where it came from. There is also interlibrary loans (ILLS) which come from outside the county. They can come from anywhere the librarian in charge can find it. There is a computer search site they use to find books. Libraries are wonderfully complicated places. It has come a long way from the system when I was in school. Computers have changed it a lot. Remember when you had a card in the pocket in front of the book. The librarian took the card out and stamped it and the slip in the book with the date and filed it in a box file. When you returned the book they had to go through the file and find the card and put it back in the book. Now, the computer checks out the book, stores the information and when you check the book in the computer retreives the information and checks the book in and you can shelve it. So far, they haven't automated shelving. At least not in any library that I know about. It could happen with the advent of robots though. I have Labor Day off but I have to work on Saturday. I have to go to a meeting for an hour on Friday morning. I will get paid for Labor Day but only half a day since I am part time. I only work three hours on Monday but I will get paid for four hours so I'll make out a little. Plus they pay me an hour for the meeting since it's on my day off. Now you know a bit about libraries, I think I will go to bed. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 700 times
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I hope you got most of the weeds out of that yard.The library sounds very complicated to me.I have a complicated job also.Just so many things to keep up with and so many windows open at once and so many spread sheets to keep up with.I know its confusing but it works .
>>> Remember when you had a card in the pocket in front of the book. The librarian took the card out and stamped it and the slip in the book with the date and filed it in a box file.<<<
>>> Remember when you had a card in the pocket in front of the book. The librarian took the card out and stamped it and the slip in the book with the date and filed it in a box file.<<<
Three books each. The patrons are allowed 50 items out at one time now. Dooley
I haven't been to a library to check anything out since I finished school in 1987. Now I just go to Barnes and Noble Book Store and have them look it up for me. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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