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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Another Day Gone ByWell, another day has gone past us.They sure go fast anymore. Days used to be longer I'm sure. It was cloudy, but it didn't rain. It was just hot and humid. I started the soaker hose on the squash and then moved it to the terrace area. Those tomatoes are just starting to bloom and those horned worms haven't discovered them yet. I picked a large squash this afternoon. I picked up a leaf to hook up the soaker hose and there it was. I have two BIG ones that I am leaving for seed. I planted yellow zucchini and green zucchini next to each other and they crossed. We have some beautiful green and yellow squash. My oldest son suggested that I leave one or two for seed and see what they look like next year. They are from organic seed so maybe we will get yellow and green squash.Might be fun to find out, but it is a long wait. Do you think I might plant one in a pot and grow it inside or in my poly greenhouse over the winter? We went to Prescott Valley this morning for the staff meeting I had to go to and then went looking for yard sales. We bought a few things. I found two wire baskets. I thought I could set pots of plants in them and then plant them. I thought one had birds on the sides but Dan says they are ghosts so it must be for Halloween. I wonder what it was used for. We bought some old kitchen utensils. We used to have a kitchen store called, "Laura's Kitchen" back in Wisconsin. We had a 60 foot wall of pegboard and we sold old Kitchen utensils and shelves of old kitchen pots, pans, molds, etc. We also sold bulk spices, herbs, tea and coffee. We had a penny candy counter that was about 20 feet long and filled with all sorts of candy that went from a penny up to a quarter each. We sold penny candy to Captain Kangeroo. He was a really nice person. Anyway we are addicted to old kitchenware. I have castiron molds and muffin pans over my kitchen stove. Brian bought some colored glass and, well, they called it a settee but it's not really. It's a couch that goes at the end of a bed. This one would probably fit at the end of a twin bed. He put a cover over it because it has to set in the living room until he goes to a flea market when it isn't expected to rain. Chance got up on it but when DR got the camera to take her picture she got down. Now, she won't get on it again. I wonder if she doesn't like getting her picture taken. Yesterday we went to a yard sale and they had a recliner chair for a child. DR thought of buying it for Chance but decided it was too much when she probably wouldn't sit in it. She only sits in ours because we are in them first and she thinks she's a lap dog. Dan came in awhile a go. He'd been up to Prescott. He said it was raining up there. There is rain in the forecast for Saturday and Sunday, too. Nice weekend for a holiday. I have Monday off, but I have to work tomorrow. I don't expect it will be very busy unless it's raining and people can't do anything else. I think Tuesday will be busy because the book dropbox will have two days worth of books in the morning and there is an afternoon dropbox too so there will be plenty of books to shelve. These are very big dropboxes. Probably 3 foot by six foot and they are maybe four foot high. There are two smaller ones inside that are always full too. Chance and DR have gone to bed. Not the same one. Chance's bed is in the laundry room though she would like it in our bedroom. She gets up too early though. I should go to bed too. I can't figure out how the days can be so short when they start so early. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 588 times
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Just wait a few years. When you are as old as I am, you barely learn to write this year on a check and it's next year already.
I have the same problem with days Dooley. Except mind drag by at work and fly by at home. Charity doesn't like her picture taken either, she acts like you are trying to kill her if you take her pic and then she goes and hides. Silly dogs.
Dooley if I'm home my days fly buy if I work they drag by until I get off at 11:00 pm by the time I get home its almost 12 Midnight get a bath and its time for bed.
I know what you mean Glendann, Chance looks like she's lost her last friend when we leave in the afternoon. She stays by my feet after we get home until I go to bed. She is always happy when the weekend comes and we are home in the evenings. Dooley
>>> We used to have a kitchen store called, "Laura's Kitchen" back in Wisconsin <<<
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