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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
This week?This week has past by in a blur. It was a very busy week at the library. Thankfully only a week or so before Prescott gets their library opened again. Our bookdrop cart was half filled with books that we had to put in the transit tubs to be taken to Prescott library. Prescott Library has their own drop boxes but people seem to think since the library isn't open that they can't use their dropboxes. All I did on Monday was check in books. I didn't get much shelved. On Tuesday it was busy. I got all but one book shelved. It was one that someone left on a table at closing. I started back to put it away but someone grabbed it and put it back on the cart and said it was time to go home. On Wednesday the carts were again full. I didn't get to shelve much that night. We were one person short and she usually sat at the checkout desk. We had a new volunteer. It was her very first day but she volunteered to stay until closing. She called her husband and told him to feed the kids. But, she needed a lot of help because it was her first day. Of course, the difficult people picked the night to come. One lady came in with two suitcases of books and a bag of books. They were all overdue. She said her son had been in the hospital and she forgot all about the books. Well, I can see that. I probably have not worried about library books either. But, you cannot check out books if the computer says you have a fine. There was a fine on all of the overdue books which she was going to pay and then she wanted to check out the books in the bag again. Which would have been fine but she didn't bring all of the overdue books back and one of the DVD's was missing the disc. She only brought back the case. So, we had to renew the books she didn't bring back and the librarian had to be called to use her password to renew the DVD because it wasn't in the case. Then, some of the books she wanted to check out again couldn't be checked out to her because other people had holds on them. You can't expect a new person to know all of these things. Volunteers can't handle fines either. It wasn't hard, just time consuming and a line formed. I didn't get much shelved. So, when I went in on Thursday the carts were all full. Another lady from the day shift worked until closing and we got everything shelved but one cart of fiction. When I went in today there wasn't much to shelve and I thought I would get other things done. Wrong! It was a steady, busy day. There was an art fair in the part surrounding the building so there was a steady stream of people and the dropbox was full when it came up in the afternoon. But, we did manage to get everything put away. It was a strange day. One would think in a library the days would be all the same, but each one is different. I guess that's what keeps it from being a boring job. Wednesday we went up to Prescott about noon and did some shopping before I went to work. We stopped at the Chinese buffet for supper. I bought DR a flannel shirt for his birthday which was back in June but I hadn't given him anything because I didn't know what to give him. He was looking at the shirts so I told him I'd buy him one for his birthday. He chose a red plaid one. He liked it so well that he went back and bought two more the next day. Now, he'll be warm this winter. Friday was my day off. We went to a couple yard sales but there wasn't much happening. After noon, we decided to go for a ride and instead of riding up the hill we went down the hill. I was still wearing my long sleeve shirt. When we got down the hill I had to take it off because it was in the 90's and dry. HOT!! It was only 50 here this morning. Only 62 at 9:30 when I got to work. Anyway we went to the outlet mall. We walked around and went into all the kitchen shops. DR bought some bottles of marinades. I found two sweaters at the Bass outlet. They were on a sale table. We were going to get ice cream before we came home, but for what they wanted for ice cream you could buy a whole carton at the grocery so we decided to come home. I do not like coming up that hill. It's much more difficult than going down. It goes from 2,000 foot to 4,000 foot in six miles. Big trucks are supposed to keep in the right lane but they never do and you come around a corner and there is one right in front of you doing 40 and you are doing 65. Yuck!! There are more accidents caused because some trucker doesn't stay right like he is supposed to do. But, we didn't have a problem and got home about 5:30. Just in time to make supper. I heated up stuffed peppers I had in the freezer. So, my week is past and I guess it wasn't too much different from other weeks. Oh, I guess I made the jelly somewhere in there too. And DR build a couple little shelves over the sink. I have a day off tomorrow and DR says we are staying home. I wonder! Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 640 times
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You've earned a rest. Enjoy your day off. Although you'll probably work just as much at home. Marlene
What a week you had, Dooley. Now that you are retired, do you wonder how you ever found time to work? Rest well today. Or have fun. Or both.
Dooley you really had a full week .I was wondering what you were up to.I figured you were just busy as always.Do rest on your day off.If I know you it will be outside pulling weeds :)
Dooley - I can relate to the library work. Years ago I had a part time job in the local library. Of course at that time every book was checked in and out by hand - no computers. People with bags of books always made me want to hide in the back room. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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