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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
A day off?Thursday we worked at sorting the stuff DR got from the shop going out of business. We sorted, priced and boxed it. DR had to move the pallets because he bought a small trailer to pull behind the truck so he can go to the flea market when I have to work on Saturday. It's a bit complicated but he thinks he can work it out. Anyway, yesterday I had a day off. DR said we could do anything I wanted to do. We went to Phoenix. DR doesn't like going to Phoenix. I don't either really but I wanted to go to a store called Sunflowers. It's an organic grocery store. I've been having trouble getting bulk fructose and some other things I wanted. I bought fructose, thick cut rolled oats, 9 grain cereal and polenta (coarse cornmeal). Then we bought a lot of other vegetables and some sausage made on the premises. We went to Tuesday Morning. It's a large variety sort of store. They sell odd lots and returns of an upscale sort. I was looking for a large teapot and found one there. We went to Odd Lots which is the same sort of store as Tuesday Morning on the other end of the spectrum. I found some tea there, not loose, but bags. I found fall stickers there too. I went to Ross for Less and found two large teapots. Now, I have three teapots that will make enough tea to fill my large mugs more than once. Brian bought things at a tool store that's sort of like the odd lot stores. We had a good time looking at all the things we didn't buy. We went to my sister's house. We hadn't been there since before it got hot. Well, maybe we went once during the summer. They aren't doing all that well. She is my next youngest sister. She needs an MRI, but she is VERY claustrophobic. She walks up stairs rather than take an elevator. Even an open MRI is too difficult for her. She has trouble with crowds too. She has good children though and they support her in every way. I think she manages because of them. Anyway, we stopped there and spent some time with them. We had breakfast in Phoenix. We didn't get home until 3:30 PM. DR was going to load the truck and go to the flea market this morning but was tired and thought he would get up and do it this morning but decided we'd go tomorrow instead. Tomorrow is my day off too. I don't mind going to the flea market with him sometimes. I don't work that hard. Mostly sitting or standing and talking to people. I want to come home early enough to find my fall decorations and put some up. Scarecrows, etc. I have a bear dressed like a wizard and one dressed like a witch. DR bought me some big scarecrows for the yard. I'm not sure where I put them either. I'll probably find them with the Christmas stuff the way things seem to work around here. DR bought a Chinese brass yard lantern today. He's going to take a picture of it so I can post it. It is very different. It's old and it uses a fat candle for light. I can't explain it exactly. A picture is definitely in order. I've been meaning to take my camera to work to get a picture of the plant on the table in the break area. It's a potted plant with big leaves. It sent up two stalks a while ago. Each stalk has a white flower shaped like a cupped hand with a candle in the center of the cup. Beautiful. But everytime I set down at the table I remember I don't have the camera. I'll probably remember the camera when the flowers fall off. I think I'd better go to bed. It's up early in the morning. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 642 times
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Sounds like you two had a very enjoyable day.How much stuff in the boxes did you decide you must keep ? :) I am a pack rat so I would have half of it not going to the flea market.
I aslo sympathize with your sister!! I hope all goes well with her!!
I'm glad your trip to Phonix was productive and glad you stopped to visit. I think she is really looking forward to the reunion next spring. I also think your plant at the library sounds like a peace lily. Wannabe
I googled Peace Lily and found a picture and that is the plant we have at work. I'll try really hard to remember to take a picture of it. Dooley Login or register to leave a comment. |
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