Chance-Out Goodwin Road
Daily Happenings | Posted:
Tue Oct 03, 2006 7:04 pm
Mom and dad decided to go to the post office and I went along. Mom decided to take a ride out Goodwin Road first. It goes up some big hills to an old ghost town called Goodwin. We didn't go that far but we found a nice pulloff and checked it out. Boy, a lot of people have been shooting out there. I found a lot of empty cartridge cases.
So much to see! I never knew the world was so big and pretty. I had to stay on a leash though cause it is rattlesnake country. Also, cow country. Boy do they leave big foot prints. What a nice day! We came back to the truck for some water after that walk and then we finally got to the post office. I got scared when Dad went in to get the mail and left me in the truck with Mom. He came back though and we went home so I could take a NAP. Dad took my picture so mom is going to put it here. Chance
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