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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Today, I didToday, I slept late. Went to bed late last night. I was reading and didn't want to quit until my eyes wouldn't stay open. Finished the book sometime today. I made cornmeal for breakfast. DR and Chance also like it. It was only about 46F when I got up. It was cloudy all day. It sprinkled on us off and on but the rain is supposed to be tomorrow. We went to the post office and I wanted to go to the dollar store. I decided I needed a tablecloth that could be washed on the dining table. One we would have called an oilcloth but is not plastic with a flannel backing. I bought some Halloween cards to send the grandkids and some potholders. My old ones are in sad shape. I've already recovered them and probably will again. But, I thought some new ones would be okay. I don't know when they got to be three dollars each. But, at the dollar store I got four of them for two-fifty. Then, DR wanted to go see if we could find any yard sales. The first one, we spent a couple of dollars. We debated buying a cabinet with glass doors and decided no. Then, we went to another sale. We hit the jackpot or they did. DR bought a sleigh and reindeer for the roof when it gets closer to Christmas. It has lights. We bought two teddy bears, making it three for the day as I bought one at the first sale. That makes five for the week. One of the bears today is big. It fits the child's rocker that has been setting empty. It's in the dining room but needs to be moved as DR says it's in the way. It is. I bought some fall decorations to fill in with what I bought at the thrift shop on Wednesday. I have several new (small) scarecrows now. I picked up a few odds and ends and DR bought a box of cookie cutters and let me choose the ones that I wanted to keep. He'll take the others to the flea market. They sell well just before Christmas. I bought a hummingbird on a wire to put in a plant. What else? A red quarter bushel basket that's red. It will be used for pinecones and greenery at Christmas. We came home about noon. I helped moved a couple of large shelves that we got from that junk shop. They had been sitting on the side of the driveway. We had to clean a place in the garage for them. Of course, the garage was already full. Technically it's not a garage. No cars go in it. It's a huge shed. If it was empty it would probably hold for or five cars. The people who owned the place a while ago worked on cars and small engines. Lawn mowers and bicycles, etc. Anyway, that was hard work so we stopped for a drink of something cold. Then, I went and put ironite on the apple trees and the butterfly bush. I saw a monarch butterfly. It looked as though the grasshoppers had been feeding on it. It's wings were full of holes. Poor thing! I watered everything well so maybe it won't rain tomorrow. I scrubbed out Chance's water bowls and refilled them. I usually add water each day or empty them and refill them but today I cleaned them good. She watched me and went and got a good drink when I finished. Makes me feel a little guilty that I don't do it everytime I refill them. Then, I came inside and made squash bread. The recipe makes two large braided loaves but today, I made one loaf and a dozen buns. We ate half of the buns for supper. Way Good!! We hauled some shelves up from the shed and I cleaned them and put shelf lining on the shelves. We needed a place to put teapots and tea and the shelves above the sink are filled with tea mugs and cups. There were four shelves, 15x30 and we filled them. Of course, some of the stuff came off of the serving cart that we had to move to make room for the shelves. I was going to make plum jam, but I guess that will have to wait until Sunday. We had those ribs for supper and there were a few left with the sauce. So, I am going to soak some beans tonight and put them in the slow cooker in the morning with the ribs and sauce and a piece of sausage left from another meal. That should do for supper tomorrow night. I have to work from 8:30 to 4 tomorrow. I've been going at 10 am so will have to set the clock so we don't oversleep tomorrow. Dr was going to go to the flea market but with rain in the forecast he probably won't go tomorrow. Maybe, next week. I haven't looked yet to see what I need to make some bears. Maybe in a bit, I will do that. I need to start fixing Ben's bear so I can get that sent back to him. We are changing our internet service. We share cable with Dan right now. But, the phone company says we can get DSL now and if we signed up by tomorrow we could get it for $26.95 per month for life. Dan can install it so we don't have to pay for a technician to come do it. They wanted $69.95 for one to come. Dan isn't going to be next door forever and this seemed to be a good price and it won't go up every year like cable seems to do. I hope it's as good. Dan says it is probably better. Hope so. I think I should go write a couple of letters and then, go to bed early. I'm yawning my way through this blog. Oh, I ordered some tea from a place called, "Harney's". It's in Connecticut. It came yesterday so I have been trying it. It's loose tea. I like that better than tea bags mostly. Tea bags are good if you are in a hurry but no one seems to sell loose tea around here. I got Assam decaf, Irish breakfast, Oolong and Malachi McCormick's Decent tea. It's a blend of assam and keemum. We will order some different ones next time and see if we can find one we like enough for it to be our "old" standby. That's why we needed more shelf space for tea and teapots. I think I will go make a cup of tea. Later, Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 668 times
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It sounds like you kept busy today. We went to Springfield to return a blood pressure machine we bought yesterday. The cuff was to small. Wannabe
Gosh, you and DR sure had a busy day. I worked all day, and tomorrow and Sunday will be the same. I was supposed to be off Sunday, but I need the overtime while I can get it.
I always feel like I've had a face to face chat with you Dooley.You are always so interesting and busy as beavers around your place.I would love to go to your yard sales.Mine are not near as interesting as yours.I'm off tomorrow and Sunday but it is supposr to rain here.
Oh how I'd love to visit the dollar stores and yard sales with you - they sound fascinating and full of goodies!!!
What a full day you had. Hope you'll be happy with your new internet supplier. You're lucky Dan can install it for you. Saves a good bit of money.
You're not busy or anything, are you, Dooley? Makes me tired to read all the things you do in one day. I'm lucky to get myself a bowl of cheerios in the morning and get dressed. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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