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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Easy dayWe got up late this morning and I checked in with gardenstew. Moved my plants back outside. It didn't frost last night because it rained. Tonight it is some cloudy so it may not but it's supposed to be cooler than last night and clear up toward morning so it might. When we got home from work we moved all the plants inside again. Well, not all of them, just the ones in pots. I started vegetable beef soup early. Vegetable soup is never the same twice because there are so many different vegetables you can use. Since DR is on a no to low salt diet I used lots of herbs in it and I put in kale and swiss chard too. It was really good. Lots left over for another day. Chance thought it was good too. I started to work on a bear but needed a longer bolt for the head. So, I told DR we needed to go to the hardware store. On the way we passed a thrift shop so we stopped to look around. Good or bad? We found a few things so it was good but you know how it is. We bought more than we needed I guess. We bought two small bears, two small scarecrows on sticks that I stuck in bottles. Two soup cups or cereal bowls, one Halloween mug for tea. A juicer for fruit needed for making juice for jelly. Two pair of slacks that I can wear to work. Today, everything that was gray was half price so one pair only cost a dollar. I also bought blue corduroy slacks. After we left there, we went to the hardware store which was just down the road. They didn't have the bolts that I wanted. I bought a different kind, but then I didn't use them today. I did something else when I got home. I will buy bolts tomorrow when we go up early. Ace Hardware has the right ones. I don't know why I even went to the little one here. When I went out to pick the kale and swiss chard, I checked and there isn't any squash but the other big one. I thought I might pick it but decided to wait. I thought about pulling all the plants but DR said wait until they dry and they will fit in the trash better. I never put squash plants in the compost because they generally have squash borer's in the stems and I don't want them in the compost. I wish I had a shredder because I don't put heavy stalks in the compost either. I was trying to figure out what was left last night. There is the kale and swiss chard and a few tomatoes, no more squash but oregano, coriander, chives, basil, small hollyhocks that will bloom in the spring, marigolds, calendula, Indian paint brush and the nice lacy asparagus plants. Those asparagus plants will turn golden one of these days. They look pretty. They really grew huge this year. When we moved here there were only two plants growing among the weeds. I babied them and this year there were maybe a dozen. I haven't cut them because I want them to multiply. Maybe, next spring. That's all in the garden area. Let's see, there are cosmos, coreopsis, calendula, nastursium, morning glories, four o'clocks, petunias, geraniums, begonias, those purple flowers in DR's flower box and some baby's breath and some white impatient's still blooming. The trees haven't turned yet but maybe if it's going to frost they might. I don't know why I think it will frost. it's still October and generally it's in November before it does but you never know. It's cool. I dug in the storage boxes under the bed and brought out sweatshirts and sweaters today. I had to put some summer shirts in the boxes to make room in the closet for the sweaters. It's cool evenings so sweaters for work are good now. It wasn't busy at the library tonight so I was finished with everything about 20 minutes before closing. There weren't even any patrons left so we thought about closing early. It's not allowed though so we didn't. We had to find busy work. On the 27th eight of us are going to Phoenix on a field trip. The library director, the assistant director, three part-time people and three full time people. We are going to visit other libraries to see layout and how they set up their depts. so we can tell the architects how we want the new library set up. They will break ground in the spring but the new library won't be open until June of 2008. Everything takes so long to build. It's going to be a huge place but part will be community meeting rooms and offices. Chance and Dr went to bed so I guess I'd better head that way myself. Later Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 673 times
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I hope you all get plenty of ideas for the new library from your field trip Dooley.
Dooley, your junk store expeditions are just like vacations. Take some pics next time, so we can enjoy them too.
Thift shops are soooo wonderful!! Sounds like you had a great day Dooley!! Your garden sounds to be doing alot better than mine!!
Glad you had a good find sounds like you had fun.I love to go to thrift shops you never know what you can find for such good prices.
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