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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Another day of work, no tripIt was another day of work, no trip today. No pictures either. We got up a bit after 6 am. The alarm didn't work until it heard DR threaten to throw it in the trash and get a new one. I suppose that since we were both already awake it wouldn't have mattered much if it hadn't gone off. I checked in with Gardenstew. No, I made tea first and cornmeal for breakfast. Chance sat by my feet waiting for it to get done. DR mixed her's with milk and she had it all gone before I got started on mine. I checked in with Gardenstew after I made breakfast. I then read the news. Nothing new there. I could have written it without any prior knowledge. Then, I packed my lunch and water bottles for DR. He was going to buy his lunch at the flea market. I checked in with Gardenstew again and then shut the computer down for the day. Dr put the plants back outside. Yesterday they spent the day inside but they didn't seem to mind it. I think that tomorrow I need to start cleaning up things outside. The yard is looking a little scraggly. Dan is coming to hook up my DSL. The phone company called to see how it was working and I said it wasn't. They were all "concerned" but I told them we hadn't both had the same day off yet so it wasn't hooked up. I could hear them breathe a sigh of relief. We opted to do it ourself rather than pay a technician $69.00. That was with a 30% discount. Anyway we got to the library on time and DR went to the flea market. We had the foresight to reserve him a space this time so he didn't have to worry that they would be sold out of spaces. He hasn't been in such a while since I worked the odd hours. Now that I go at 8:30 he can be there by 8:30 because I am always a little early. I hate arriving late or on the exact dot to work. I found I was to have a helper today. There is a volunteer who started last week. She is a retired librarian. But, she retired before computers took over the libraries so she didn't know how to work them. She had never turned one on before last week. She was a bit confused by what happened when she checked out books or didn't check out the books. So, this week they decided she could help me shelve books because it didn't require a computer. She's in her 70's. She was much relieved that she could push the cart of books around and shelve the books. We gave her the fiction section. She was very good at it too. She put each book in it's proper place. No, it's close enough business of some of them. So, I was free to do the non-fiction section. I gathered up all the books that were left at the end of the shelves and in other odd places and took them back to be counted. Only 29 this morning. Then, I put the non-fiction books all in the proper order and hauled the large cart out and put them in their place. After lunch, I had some time since we had all the books put on the shelves. I started with 001.2 and put them all in the proper numerical and alphabetical order. Well, not all of them. I got through 158.12 CHI. Now, when I get time I can go clear through 999.00. Each week I will get a block of time to do this and I will get it all done in 9 or 10 weeks if I get as much done as I did today. I found one lost book which was shelved in the wrong place. If they are all in the proper order, it will be easier to keep them that way. When I have things in order, I will ask for a lost book list and see what I can find. I just don't understand how you can have a library with books just any old place. One of the librarians today told me it is so much easier since I started since they could actually find things. That was very nice of her since things are still out of order a lot. She said that it was so much better that a bit out of order wasn't bad. Well!! I'm not so organized at home. DR wants to know where his sweatshirts are. Beats me! I told him I would look for them tomorrow. I think they are in the laundry room closet. There are some storage boxes in there. The dress code for the field trip next Friday is "sort of dressy." Okay, I think I can do that. "Sort of," Okay, I'm rambling. I think I worked too hard. Later Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 622 times
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How did DR do at the Flea Market Dooley?You didn't say.You probably did work to hard.I love your days you make them sound so
Dooley, I have always wanted to work in a library. I love going to them and I usually check out gardening books, or sometimes craft books. I haven't had time to go lately and I miss it. I miss the flea market too since we are working all this overtime.
Sorry, Dooley this is Sharon I forgot Richard was signed in, this gets confusing sometimes. LOL
We lost our libraries in our 'event' last year. Some of them are getting started again if they could manage getting the building repaired. I miss them. I think I could live in a library. Your days sound interesting, Dooley! Or at least you make them sound that way.
When I was in the 7th grade I volunteered in our school library. I had alot of trouble with pain in my side due to the bad kidney that I had.(it was removed when I was 16!) so the principle allowed me to volunteer in the library instead of participating in PE. (During lots of physical activity the pain in my side was excruciating!!)I loved my work in the library!! Our librarian was one of the sweetest persons I'd ever meet so that made it alot of fun also!! Dooley I love to read your entries, as everyone else has said your days sound soooo interesting!! I hope DR did good at the flea market!!
DR did fine at the flea market but it's difficult to tell from one week to the next. He got rid of a lot of stuff. Came home with some empty boxes. Dooley Login or register to leave a comment. |
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