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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
A little of this, a little of that!I haven't been writing much lately. I've been keeping busy doing a little of this and a little of that. On Sunday, I broke up a lot of branches from the scrub oak tree we trimmed in the spring. They broke easily but I did get a big blister between my thumb and first finger. It was sore until it dried over. Now, it's peeling skin so it's going away. I clipped weeds and filled 4 black trash bags for the trash man. I didn't want those seeds in the compost. I still have a few branches to break and then that area will be done for the winter. Well, I still do have seeds to save from the cosmos and coreopsis. I sent some to Glendann this week but there is still tons out there. I have morning glory seeds to gather, too. Cajunbelle wants some of those. I scattered a few along the front fence this morning. I'm hoping they will grow there in the spring. I seem to have more luck growing plants that I didn't plant. I didn't plant the morning glories. I never planted hollyhocks and they are taking over the whole place. I had a basil plant growing in the middle of the yard. Why would I plant basil in the middle of the yard? I didn't. Today, I saw a zinnia growing up by the wheelbarrow. I didn't plant zinnias. I, also, didn't plant cardinal vines. They vied for fence space with the morning glories this summer. Hummingbirds love them. Speaking of hummingbirds. I went outside earlier in the week and a hummingbird buzzed my head. So, I got out the hummingbird feeders and gave them a good cleaning and filled them and hung them from the rose arbor and the house eaves in the front yard. Then, I stood at the fence talking with my neighbor. Well, that hummingbird buzzed my head and almost took my nose off. It wanted me to move away from the arbor so it could feed. Finally it decided if I wasn't going to move it would eat anyway. Soon, two of them were there. I take my hummingbird feeders down in the summer when there are flowers because all I feed are ants and bees. We have a few hummers all winter so I do have them up. Sometimes they freeze and it's a little comical to see them try to eat from them. I have to bring them in and run them under warm water for a bit. My neighbor joined a quilting club at the senior center. They are making lap robes for shut in elders. They have a goal of 75 for Christmas and have around 50-60 finished. Marilyn wasn't quite sure of the exact amount. She was busy taking apart one. The leader's aunt makes tops and she is very elderly so doesn't sew exactly straight and sometimes gets them sewed back around to front. But, no one wants to tell her she can't help so they just take them apart and put them back together. Isn't that nice of them? Anyway, I've been thinking of cleaning my shed and getting rid of the boxes and boxes of material since I don't quilt much anymore and I volunteered to give it to the quilting club. Now, all I have to do is get enough ambition to get that started. Since I need to get to the Christmas stuff one of these days, it's a good excuse to do it. I'm going to put a pork roast in the Nesco roaster in a bit. I put it in a bag with olive oil, worcestershire and some fresh picked herbs earlier. Basil, oregano, thyme, rosemary and sage. I put in some peppercorns too. We found pork roasts on sale last night and dr has 10% off with his card for 60 days so we bought two large ones. I cut them in two pieces each and made four of them. Three are residing in the freezer. This morning I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep and finally decided to get up. I made cornmeal for breakfast. We all like hot cereal, even Chance. I made a big pot of tea. Then, I went outside and cleaned out the pond tub. We didn't get the rocks around it finished this year so didn't get the waterfall working. There is always next year. We put the pump and tubing away until spring. I covered it with plastic. I'm thinking I can build some kind of Christmas scene on the plastic. But it can't be anything heavy. I'll need to look in the garden center at Costco or WalMart and see what I can find. I raked up the fallen leaves and cut out the dead foliage in the lily bed. I put the leaves around the rosebushes. I'm thinking instead of putting leaves in the compost I will spread them in the herb garden area and then dig them into the ground in the spring. I need to add stuff to that soil anyway. It's in terrible shape. I watered my plants that are in the exercise room now. Dr finished that last week. He build a really nice heavy shelf for them. They get morning sun. When the apricot trees finally lose their leaves they will get more sun. I want to go out and cut the weeds back behind the storage shed where dr keeps his flea market stuff. It is a truly neglected area. Maybe I'll put some wildflower seeds there in the spring. Better than weeds. Maybe I'll wait until tomorrow. I still have to work tonight and that's sure to stir up allergies. I was thinking I'd go shopping tomorrow, but we did a bit last night so maybe not. But, maybe we can go for breakfast and look in the thrift shops. Yesterday we stopped in one and dr bought a small refrigerator. We'd stopped looking for one and there it was. Maybe there will be some yard sales. We looked at a bargain outlet for kitchen flooring yesterday. We will go back next week and buy some so we will get in put in before Thanksgiving. We have a small kitchen area so it won't be too bad. Guess I should go get that pork on to cook. It won't cook in the refrigerator. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 655 times
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Can I come for supper dooley I will bring some mustard greens and Sharon can make a cornbread.
Good lord, Dooley, you get more done in one morning than I do in one week.
Gosh I'm tired after all that :) Watch out for those hummingbirds Dooley!
Goodness, you make me feel like an absolute slug!
Good heavens Dooley where do you get your energy from? I could do with some of it here!!! Here was me thinking I'd had a busy week until I read your blog too.
Dooley, you do work circles around us. Want to come spend the winter in Louisiana, it is nice and warm and I have lots of things to keep you busy.
Oh Dooley ,I'm so tired after reading your blog I think I need to lay down.I am wore out just reading all you accomplished.You should have sent me some of your pep pills along with those flower seeds. :) Login or register to leave a comment. |
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