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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
What did I do?What did I do today? Not much. Slept late. Got up and went to breakfast. We drove clear north of Prescott because we wanted to go to Habitat for Humanity Thrift Store. We didn't find any bargains so started to the DAV thrift store. On the way we wanted to stop at the new Tuesday Morning store that opened in Prescott last month. We've been to the one in Phoenix. I think this one is about the same size. Anyway, I got mixed up and we drove past the street so I thought I could cut through the K-Mart parking lot and get on the right road. But, we saw a dollar store. Actually it says Nothing more than $2.00. So we stopped there and bought a few things. A duster with a long handle for those pesky daddylonglegs webs up by the ceiling. Dr found some grape juice from Kedum Winery in Milton, NY. It has a special meaning for him since his parents lived in Milton and we visited the winery. That's not all, but I'm not saying the rest. Then, we cut through the parking lot and got on the right road. Next to the Tuesday morning was another dollar store so of course we went in there. I bought some Christmas pot holders. I really needed them as mine are in the shed with the rest of the Christmas stuff. Then, we went to Tuesday morning. Brian saw the glass globe he wanted but it was too big and I told him it was. We didn't buy it. We didn't buy anything at Tuesday Morning. But, we discovered there was a new Big Lots store opened in the same shopping area. It was bigger than the one in Phoenix and better organized. We bought a few things there. I bought two little glass bear ornaments. I really needed those. (HA) By then, I had a headache so we decided we needed to get something to drink and I could take an Aleve. On the way to the car we saw a cowboy (Hat, boots, jeans, he looked like a cowboy). He was leaning over a shopping cart. He straightened up and saw us coming. He had a wrench in his hand. He started talking and backing up. He had bought the "Chinese" wrench in one of the stores and he had bought a big pair of "Chinese" bolt cutters and only used it once and it snapped and it made him mad because they wouldn't take it back so he wanted to make sure this wrench worked before he took it home so he took the wheel off of the shopping cart and was just putting it back on again. He grinned and went off down the sidewalk. He said it all so fast that it took me a minute or so to absorb all that he said. I started laughing. DR couldn't follow it all so I had to tell him what the man said and he started laughing. People thought we were demented, I think. We got in the truck and left too. So, we forgot about going for the drink and ended up at the DAV. I even remembered to go straight instead of turning. For some reason when I get on Iron Springs Road and head for the DAV thrift store I always turn left onto Willow Springs Road and there is no where to turn around for several blocks and I always get so mad at myself. But today I kept telling myself "go straight, go straight" Dr was laughing at me but I went straight. We bought a couple of things. Dr found two glass globes for his project. One fit and one was a wee bit too big. I found a wooden sled for a bear to sit on under the Christmas tree. Then, we went to the mall and had a Subway sandwich and a drink. My head stopped hurting so Maybe I just needed to eat something. But, I was tired so we decided we would just stop at the grocery store and then go home. I bought a pot of Pele Mums at the grocery store. They are a rust color. Big ones. They will look nice on the table at Thanksgiving or on the counter. I serve Thanksgiving buffet style so I think I will put it on the serving table. We bought a few things at the grocery store and them I was ready to come home. We stopped at the post office. There was a letter from our insurance company that is for prescriptions. It said that the WalMart in our area has $4.00 prescriptions on certain generic drugs and if the prescriptions that I use are on the list I could save three dollars on each one because their co-pay is seven dollars. They are going to drop the insurance coverage at the end of the year anyway or we have to pay the whole cost of it. I called WalMart and my prescriptions are on the list so Monday I will call the doctor and get copies of the prescriptions and take them to WalMart. Insurance companies are in the business of making money, not helping you, but I thought it was nice of them to tell us we could save money. It will actually save them money though. The lights dr bought for his project didn't work so he's taking them back tomorrow. He loaded the truck so he can go to the flea market tomorrow while I work. I brought a small lawn table inside to put my mums on in front of the window for now. I measured furniture and spaces so we can move things around before Christmas. No matter how I move stuff there is just so much room in this house. Something will have to go. I think it should probably be a few bears. Well, maybe more than a few bears. But, they aren't going anywhere. They've staked their claim and will hang on for dear life if I try to move them. I must have close to 400 now. I need to ask myself where will I put it BEFORE I buy it. Of course if I put it back dr goes back and gets it so he can't claim it's all my fault. I finally made a pot of tea and a sandwich when we got home. Dr has gone to bed so I should find out where Chance is and put her to bed. She always has a dog treat before she goes to bed. She might be sleeping on the floor by the bed. Sometimes she does that until I go and put her out in the laundry room. Her bed is much softer than the floor anyway. Have to get up at 6 am so I'd better be going to bed, too. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 681 times
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I am wore out from my day out
It's on 8:30 am here. I read your blog and I'm so tired, I'm ready to go back to bed.
I want to know the rest of the winery story. Do tell Dooley. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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