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Another day off?

Category: Herb Garden | Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 2:44 am

You know me and my days off. They turn into something else most of the time. Today, dr got up early and warmed up the house. I slept until he let Chance into the bedroom. He went out to bring in the water bottles we filled last night. I was mostly dressed when Chance started pulling on my denim shirt that was on the floor where I left it last night. I moved the shirt up on the bed and there was one of my shoes under it. Her pink squeaky ball was in the heel of the shoe. She tried to get it out but it was wedged pretty tight. She pushed, shoved and tossed that shoe all over the bedroom trying to get that ball out of it. I finally quit laughing enough to help her.
We left about 9:15 and went to the bank and then up the hill. We started at Basha's because they sell bulk food and I wanted oatmeal. About $40.00 later we left. I wasn't aware that oatmeal cost so much. It must have been all the other stuff we just had to have too. We went to Home Depot and looked at their flooring. We decided to look at the other flooring places before we bought anything. From Home Depot, we went to Costco, a warehouse shopping store. We didn't do too bad there until we went past a big display of Rival Roasters. Sort of like my Nesco Roaster, but larger. It looked like it would be a good turkey roaster and there was a recipe for roasting a turkey on the box so we bought it. It is so much bigger than the one I have that I'm not sure where I will store it. I started laughing when I was reading the booklet that came with it. Dan wanted to know why. I told him when I make soup in the Nesco it comes to the top of the pan. It holds two gallons. This one holds 20 quarts which is 5 gallons. What will I do with 5 gallons of soup? You simply cannot make a small pot of soup. DR says he's going to throw the old one out but if he does he won't get anymore soup.
We then we stopped and had a Polish Sausage and a soft drink and then we went to three other flooring places. Two of them didn't stock vinyl flooring. They ordered it and delivered it a couple of weeks later. The third place referred us to Crazy Nates which is the one that quoted us two different prices.
So, we decided to go back to Home Depot. First, we stopped at Fry's grocery to buy cream cheese and cool whip. We also bought another bag of potatoes.
Tonight we had baked potatoes and barbecue chicken for supper.
Home Depot only had 12 ft rolls of flooring and they don't cut it so we were going to buy and 8x12 piece. We need and 8x10 piece. It fits the middle of the kitchen. The outside walls are all cabinets or island or pantry or refrigerator. Anyway when they put it through that roller to measure it there was only a couple feet left so they just gave that to us so we really got a 10x12 piece. DR said we'd put it in Chance's dog house. Since she sleeps in the laundry room she doesn't use her dog house, except to sit on top of it and bark at things.
We came home and unloaded everything and I made supper. Now, I have a banana cream cheese coffeecake in the oven. I have to work 8:30-4 tomorrow and DR is going to the flea market. We'll get up at 6 and eat before we go. We'll take a piece of coffeecake with us. Bagels and creamcheese for lunch. Everything bagels and garden vegetable cream cheese. We'll probably stop somewhere coming home for supper. Sunday, we'll work on getting that flooring down. We only have to move the stove, a set of shelves and the water cooler. I'll make a paper pattern and dr will lay it out and cut it. I need to take the little trim strips up so the flooring will go clear to the wall or cupboards. Then, dr can put it back when he has the flooring down. It isn't fancy flooring. It's little squares that look like small tiles and it's sort of brown and black mottled or speckled. Sort of hard to describe but we didn't want a pattern in such a small space.
Oh, I forgot. The first stop wasn't Basha's. I had to stop at the doctor's office. I had to have my prescriptions renewed so I called the office on Monday and asked them to call them to WalMart because they would be cheaper there now that they have those four dollar generic prescriptions. Well, yesterday we went to pick them up and one of them was the wrong dosage. So, I had to go to the doctor's office to get a new prescription to take to WalMart and then they would give me the additional tablets that I needed. The nurse in the doctor's office said she copied the prescription right off of the chart. She did too. The chart was wrong. So, she made the prescription change on my say so without checking back into the chart for the proper dosage. This is the heart medication that I want to stop taking anyway. In February when I have my regular appointment I will ask him to taper it off. Anyway, I remembered I had to have some blood drawn so we stopped at the lab. After waiting 15 minutes the woman said it would be at least another 45 minutes. There were six people in the waiting room. We decided we would go next week. A week won't make much difference. It's just an A1c. So, we had a busy week. Sunday is another day off and I hope to finish cleaning my house. I did find the table yesterday. Of course, now I can't get to my sewing machine but that's for Sunday. I should just start pitching stuff out the front door. I did that one other time. Of course, then I had to sort it out and bring it back inside----but some went into the dumpster. I wonder if that's the way to clean house. Carry it all outside and bring back just what you need and put the rest in the dumpster for the next six months. I think I'd better quit here. Dooley

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wannabe wrote on Sat Nov 18, 2006 3:08 am:

Dooley I think you should be happy you are only working part time. Wannabe


reggaefan wrote on Sat Nov 18, 2006 3:13 am:

Dooley I'm glad you stopped there I am exhaysted and need a nap.LOL Sharon and I were talking today about just jumping in the car one day and go who knows where like we used to.


dooley wrote on Sat Nov 18, 2006 3:33 am:

I think we must be slowing down some. It didn't use to take us all day to do so little shopping. Chance and dr have gone to bed. Up early tomorrow. Dooley


glendann wrote on Sat Nov 18, 2006 4:39 am:

Oh Dooley, I am so tired just reading what all you did today.I could never keep up with you girl.I would love to see your kitchen when you finish
with it.


cajunbelle wrote on Sat Nov 18, 2006 8:02 am:

Hi Dooley, you will have to take pics of the new flooring when it is down.


eileen wrote on Sat Nov 18, 2006 10:24 am:

"About $40.00 later we left. I wasn't aware that oatmeal cost so much. It must have been all the other stuff we just had to have too." LOL Sounds just like Ian when he goes shopping for just one thing. He always come back with at least two bags full of stuff we REALLY needed - not!!

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