Everyday things!
Yard work! | Posted:
Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:49 am
Everyday things need to be done everyday. Right! I'm not good at doing things everyday. Some days I don't feel like doing everyday things. So, they will wait another day. Sometimes they will wait two days. Then they begin to pile up and the pile begins to slip and slide and you have the basis for an avalanche. I hate avalanches. So, two days is about right for putting off everyday things that need to be done everyday. There are some everyday things that cannot be put off for two days or even one day. Dishes!! I have never been fond of doing the dishes. But, putting off washing dishes makes them hard to wash and sometimes smelly. So, dishes should not be put off. Raking leaves is something that can be put off. Sometimes more than the two days. The wind blows them around and stacks them up against the fence. That makes them easier to rake. They are all in one place. I put them off for several days. More like two weeks. But, now they are in the compost. well, most of them are in the compost. Some of them are covering the bulbs to keep them cool for the winter. I thought they would be keeping them warm but the book says it keeps the ground cool not warm. It keeps the warm out. Okay for bulbs I guess. Warm in is for me. We have a nice fire and I'm going to go wash the dishes then sit in front of the fire and work on my Christmas cards. Two down and about thirty-five to go.
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