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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Little Bear TreeI decided that today was the day to put up some Christmas other than the wreath on the front of the house. I chose to start with the little bear tree. About 25 years ago more or less, I started collecting bears. We had a big house and a big tree. The top ornament always touched the ceiling. As a decorative touch the bears were grouped around and under it. Well, there were too many bears and not so much room. This was even before I had more than a hundred. Anyway we found this little two foot tree and set it up on a library table with the little bears grouped around it and it became the little bear tree. It still has some of the same decorations and has suffered some in it's travels but it hasn't missed a year yet. The display has grown. Last year it was on a round table with a Thomas Tank train. This year, no train. It has a house and some years, a pond with skaters. This year there is no room for the pond. Little bears from half an inch to about five inches have crowded around it. They set on benches, chairs, sleds, wagons and on the snowy surface. The larger of the small bears go on the shelf across the room where they can still see the tree. Larger bears all are grouped around the room. When the big tree goes up, some bears will be under the tree on sleds, etc. So, the bears have taken over Christmas, also. I digress, I was about to tell you about putting the little bear tree up this year. Remember my saying I was looking and not seeing a place to put a tree. Well, we made a space. BUT!!!!!! We must have moved every piece of furniture in the house. Well, not the computer desk or the refrigerator. Chance got very worried when we started carrying things out the back door. Before we could make room in the living room, we had to make room in the small bedroom and the laundry room and some things are even in the dining room waiting for a final destination. But, the little bear tree is up and lighted. There is a space for the big tree which DR is in charge of putting up. He doesn't decorate it, he just puts it up. We used to always have a live tree but when the boys all left home we found it easier to put up an artificial one. That drew strong comments when they came for Christmas but we told them there was room for a real one and ornaments to spare, have at it. No one ever went and got a live one. Tom and Andy do have live trees in their homes though. Dan has an artifical one now. So, tomorrow I will do something else. After having moved things two days in a row, maybe I will put garland and bows on the front fence. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 618 times
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You have had a busy day haven't you?.Poor Chance just doesn't know what ya'll are gonna do next.I would love to see a picture of the little bear tree.
Yeah, please let us see pics. Puleeze.
That sounds pretty Dooley, I have to get to work on mine.
We want piccies!!! We want piccies!!!
What a nice tradition.
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