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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Days off!Days off sure go faster than work days, even when you work 3 or 3 and 1/2 hours a day. Friday, I had a day off so I decided since I had those new books to read I should make that a priority. I finished one and decided not to read one and half finished another. One is not started yet. Then, I worked on Saturday. Saturday was a very slow day. People were Christmas shopping or making cookies or something besides reading. I got all the books shelves, helped a new volunteer understand the system and rearranged the music cd's. I had lunch in there somewhere, too. The new volunteer is sharp. She picked up the routine very quickly and needed little help after that. She works five days a week in a credit union and still decided to volunteer at the library 4 hours on Saturday. A good person. DR and I stopped on the way home for dinner. He had a busy day at the flea market. He bought me an early Christmas present but I can't tell anyone what it is before Christmas because then it wouldn't be a surprise. He knows what I am getting him because I mailed ordered them. Don't ask me to explain that either. Today, I was going to get a lot of things done. Mainly I wanted to get the dining room table cleaned off. It seems that every where we have ever lived there has been a place that collected clutter. In this house it is the dining room table. I'm not sure why unless it is the least used space in the house. I mean it's bigger than the two of us need so there is a lot of space on the other end and pretty soon it looks like it might reach the ceiling and topple over. Then, I have to sort through the clutter and throw away the unwanted portion. I did that this morning. Now, there is stuff for Grandma's Christmas package which I will put in the box that I got from the post office. There are some Christmas cards that I have got to finish. The kleenix box is there. I guess it can stay. I emptied out the flowers from Thanksgiving. They didn't smell so good anymore and were all droopy. Our friends brought them for Thanksgiving and they graced the table for a few more days. I moved the dishes that DR bought me at a yard sale last week. He bought them because of the design on them. The design is, you guessed?, Teddy Bears. I washed them and put them away. Well, we used some for dinner. We had bean soup. That's probably what we will have tomorrow night too. I did make chocolate-cherry biscotti. I wanted to make some other cookies but didn't quite get to that. I did more Christmas cards. They are almost finished now. Of course, I spent a "little" time on Gardenstew and the new PetFighter forum. Not too much though. DR brought the Christmas tree from the shed and set it up. We use an artifical one now. I thought about decorating it but since the ornaments are still in the shed decided to wait until morning. It is easier to do it during the day when you can see what you are doing. Oh, DR brought me a new bear yesterday. Well, it's new to me. It's sort of large. It sets on the floor by the tree now. I guess it will settle in somewhere. I hope it doesn't decide on my chair. Since DR bought it, it could settle into his chair. It is big enough for a chair. He bought it because he liked it's face. The man didn't want too much for it either. I mostly read the Sunday papers. We get two of them. Well, we go to the store, they are not delivered. We get the one from Prescott and the one from Phoenix. At this time of the year they are mostly ads. There are some store ads that go automatically into the trash can. Some stores that have large advertising sections and when you go to the store they only had one or two so they are all sold and there are no rainchecks. That's not exactly legal, but they don't seem to worry about it. One is a large chain so they probably would pay the fine and expect that you will buy something else as long as you are there. I quit shopping in those stores a long time ago. You can usually find the same thing at another store for the same price. Have you ever noticed that stores usually have the same things on sale at the same time? I laugh at Thanksgiving because each store advertises that they have the lowest price and the prices are exactly the same as all the other stores. I'd call that price fixing myself. Oh, well I guess I've rambled along here and gotten completely off the subject so I'll quit for today. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 579 times
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Sounds like you did get quiet a bit taken care of.I spent time in the new pet forum this morning also.If I do much of that I'll never get anything done here at home I love your blogs Dooley I read everyone of them.Its like I'm talking to you .I don't get much done on my days off as I'm really addicted to the Stew.I think I'll try a time limit just to see if I can stick to it LOL.I'm off the next 2 days so we will see what I can get done .Have a good day tomorrow.
Dooley your blogs always make me feel quite lazy compared to you. I only changed the beds, swept, dusted, washed floors and cleaned the bathroom and I'm ready for a break!!! You must let us see your 'new' teddy bear - he sounds lovely.
I get so tired from just reading your blogs! I'm 31 and I don't think I could even keep up with you Dooley!!
Me too. Is there anyone who can keep up, Dooley? BTW, I read somewhere that formal dining rooms are used so infrequently that it costs about $11,000.00 a meal to have one.
Busy, busy lady!!
Well, I don't think our dining room is too formal. It connects to the kitchen with an island bar type thingie. You can still see all the stuff cooking and the dirty dishes in the sink sometimes. Dooley Login or register to leave a comment. |
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