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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
A strange library day!Today, I moved every fiction and mystery book in the Large Print section of the library. That's 4 and 1/2 sixteen foot rows. Each row is seven shelves high. That's 16 times seven times 4 and 1/2. I wonder how many books that was. I'm tired I think, I was trying to figure out how many books by averaging the size of each book at one inch but it doesn't caculate. Anyway, I moved some of them twice because when I got to the end I still had some books to move so I had to go back and rearrange the beginning to fit the others at the end. But, it is all done. Now, it will just take a bit of tweaking here and there as books are returned and checked out to make sure they all fit. The next chore will be to move some shelves up or down to make the music CD,s fit their shelves. Then, the fiction section needs moved toward the end of the alphabet section because until they were finished changing the book labels they weren't certain how much space they needed so the books are packed together at the beginning of the alphabet and there is a lot of room at the end of the alphabet. This is all to make more efficient use of space until the new library is built. Ground breaking is in April and finishing is the next April and occupancy is in June of 2008. But, no amount of moving books around is going to make more books fit on the same amount of shelves. They did delete old and worn books and books that haven't been checked out for at least two years. That did more than anything. But now for awhile it will be easier to shelve books. I had my six-month employment evaluation today and got good marks all around. So, I am relieved that is done. They gave me the paperwork in October and just got to do it today. It has to be done by Tuesday. It was a very slow day bookwise today. That is why I had time to move every book in the library and the one in the next town. Well, it seemed like it. The bookdrop was almost empty. No one was coming to bring books back. No one was coming to check books out. Everyone wandered around looking for things to keep them busy. Desks got cleared, shelves got neatened. Books got moved. It was a strange library day. Everyone is predicting snow in the high country and rain here but the weather service that I have on my desk top is still saying daytime temps in upper forties and low fifties. That sounds like rain except it will go down to 30's at night or 20 or 10 or below zero depending on who is doing the talking. It is windy and cloudy and it's in 40's now so what the weather will be tomorrrow is anyones guess. We will have some but I don't know what it will be. I just hope the snow stays in the high country. I didn't do anything Christmasy today. I guess tomorrow morning I will clean off the table so my neighbors will have a space to eat their cookies and drink their tea. Must be getting close to bed time. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 606 times
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Dooley, do you even take time for a break? I guess you did get a good job evaluation. You should be the director.
Wow Dooley it doesn't seem like you went to work at the library 6 months ago! Time definately flies huh? I'm quite sure you got a wonderful evaluation! You have been a good worker for them! I will be praying the snow to stay in the high country for you!!
You're a dynamo, Dooley!
I can see why you got a good evaluation.Gosh you are the best I have ever heard of.
Dooley's busy day. Hey that could be a title for a childrens story. I like to keep busy at work too, it makes the time past faster. Hope your tea party goes well, enjoy your day off.
Best Wishes for your tea party. It will be restful and fun chatting and drinking tea. Wannabe Login or register to leave a comment. |
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