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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
It snowed on me!!!!Being my day off, I had to make a special trip up to Prescott Valley today to attend a Christmas breakfast at the library. When we left, we had to go around to Willow Creek Road so I could go and get my driver's license renewed. As I was getting into the truck a few flakes of snow began falling around us. As we went it got more and more until it was falling quite hard. We had to Walk Through Snow when we got out of the truck at the DMV building. But, there was no line. When DR went last year to get his renewed, the line was all around the building and it took us two hours. Today, there was no line and no waiting. We were in and out in twenty minutes. Now, I'm good until 2012. We stopped at Habitat for Humanity because it is just a few blocks from the DMV building. We had to drive right past it to get back to the main road so we stopped. We bought a dining room table. Mainly it was on sale for half price and it's square with a leaf you can add and it takes up less space in the room. We seldom need space for six people anyway. I think it is a little taller than the old one or someone cut the legs off of my chair. But, it's a good looking table. Then, we went to Wal-Mart. It snowed on us the whole way. It made visibility poor in a few places. Of course, there was no parking close so we actually had to walk in it. We just got a few things I needed at Wal-Mart and then we were going home. But, I got in the wrong lane coming out and we had to turn a wrong direction so we went to lunch. I wasn't very hungry so we skipped dessert. I mean why eat cookies and ice cream or whatever when there is a ton of stuff home on the counter. So, we came home. I had to find the top of the other table and then we took it apart and put the new one in its place. It looks good. You can still see the top. Wait until tomorrow though. I decided I needed to take a short nap. I took my pooh lap blanket, sat down in my recliner, and a dog landed in my lap. So, Chance and I took a nap. Except, Chance had to stand up and look out the window. When I told her taking a nap meant laying down, not standing up she lay down facing the window and proceeded to growl at everything that moved. Finally, I told her to knock it off so she curled up and we both had about an hours worth of nap. I put a couple of potatoes in the oven to bake and I think I will grate some sharp cheddar cheese to go over them and I don't know what else and call it supper. DR has the crud and says he doesn't really want supper anyway. I think I may wrap some packages in a while. Then, I'll call myself ready for Christmas. I just have to work tomorrow from 8:30-4 pm and then I have three days off. Then, I work one day and have five more days off. Next week, 28th, 29th and 30th we are going to Goodyear to meet up with our oldest son. He's coming from California with his girlfriend and his daughter. He's going to run in a 24 hour race beginning 9 am on the 29th and ending at 9 am on the 30th. There are also 48 and 72 hour races. I cannot imagine running for 72 hours. You do get breaks for eating and napping but still 72 hours?? There hasn't been a lot to do at the library the last two weeks and I don't think there will be much doing tomorrow. I will probably have time to move the rest of the fiction books around. I started at the end of the alphabet and I'm to M's now so I still have about half of them to do. I need to move some shelves in the CD area too. Then, I will start working in the non fiction area to get them back in order again. Better go check on the potatoes. Dooley Oh, I can't take a picture of the snow. It's melted already. Last edited: Sat Dec 23, 2006 1:19 am This blog entry has been viewed 726 times
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72 hours is bad Dooley but imagine 72 hours in snow! Even worse :)
Running? For 3 days? No way.
No, not me, no running. I walk a lot but my feet won't let me run. Have a nice visit with your son.
Nope no running for me Dooley my legs would crumble.Do have fun Dooley. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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